I was bored on the Internet and found this it's kinda fun. I'm supposed to share it with other people for my wish to come true so try it and post your results. Tibetan Personality Test
Hmmm.... Interesting. I'm going to post my results If anyone thinks I ruined the test, then go screw yourself. haha jk Just don't read below here if you don't want it "ruined" for you. So apparently My personality is innocent My partner is independent Small, is the personality of my enemies. I think of sex as "beneficial" that cracks me up. Most intriguing is that my life is apparently ominous?? I really love my mom, and my ex is my twin soul. And apparently my priorities are 1: CAREER 2: LOVE 3: MONEY 4: FAMILY 5: PRIDE That's kinda true, but my career should be moved to third edit: that's only part of my results.
1-st question. Priorities in your life: 1: MONEY 2: FAMILY 3: PRIDE 4: CAREER 5: LOVE 2-nd question: companion implies your own personality. stalk implies personality of your partner. snake implies the personality of your enemies awesome- It is how you interpret sex. vast implies your own life. 3-rd question: aunt - Someone you will never forget. inlaw - Someone you consider your true friend. wife - Someone that you really love. brother - Your twin soul. grandfather - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life. 2 things, brother is not a twin soul, and the other my wife doesnt stalk but is the jealous type so maybe just the one thing off, LOL