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Daily smoker, ran out

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by L8Nrollinup, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. So I smoke daily all day from when I wakr up till I go to sleep I stay stoned, I ran out yesterday and havebt got more yet l. So my delima is I didn't smoke last night or this morning and I got absolutely no sleep last night. I woke up late and was almodt late to work. But today I feel sick at my stomach I apitite, and everything feels weird like I'm cought in a fog or something. I never feel like that when stoned. have y'all ever experienced this after a short break? Idk if I smoke too much in the first place or what but its no fun not being high

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  3. dem feels
  4. Well you know what I mean -_-

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  5. I'm right there with ya, OP.

  6. Is that bubbles!!!!!

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  7. Sounds terrible....

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  8. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Running out.....*shudders*

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  10. its possible you've come down with a cold. no sleep weakens your immune system.
  11. I don't think I'm sick just don't feel 100% I knew I was doing the right think when I said "yes" to drugs

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  12. So this is the first time in your life that you ever ran out? huh...sounds crazy to me.
    Maybe you have food poisoning.
    Cannabis never causes me to have any side effects but good feelings. And when I run is normal. Then I'll get more and that is normal too. And I've toked for 25 years.
  13. Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?

    Of course it's me!
  14. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  15. another one cball.
  16. Well, weed definately shouldn't be the cause. Maybe you have some sort of an illness whose symptoms weed was covering (all that comes to my head is anorexia, cancer chemotheraphy and HIV/AIDS, lol) and now that you're not stoned anymore - the symptoms are free to re-appear.
    Consult a doctor is all I can suggest.
  17. I feel shitty like that when I run out too, and I smoke as much as you.  You're body is used to being high.  I've found I feel better after a couple days (or I re-up).
    Pfft self-control? Who has that.
  19. OP is just being a bitch cause he hasn't gotten to smoke his non-addictive weed.   /thread
  20. I am on my last .2 and roach now and I'm broke

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