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Daily Smoker, How Can I Flush My System For A Drug Test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by livinlifelikeastoner, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. I have smoked daily for about a year, usually about two-three times a day. For the past ten days I have been smoking only a bowl or two at night before bed. I have an interview for a job that drug tests tomorrow, so I want to start flushing my system now. I probably have a week or two to get clean. I have been drinking tons of water, peeing every hour probably. My question is, will drinking alcohol help speed up the flush, or slow it down? And is there anything else I can do? Buying a detox drink is not an option.

  2. #2 MajorTHC, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    I'd be figuring out how to substitute if I were you. "Flushing" just helps to dilute your urine right before the test; it won't do a thing to remove all the THC stored up in your body fat. And if you drink too much water right before your test, it'll come back as negative dilute, which'll kick off a requirement for another test on short notice. Two dilute tests = fail.
  3. Yea, your most likely screwed if you hope to legitimately pass the test. I would grab some fake urine and substitute.
  4. Wow, you've been smoking every day and you're JUST NOW trying to pass... the night before!?
    Shoulda thought about it sooner man, you're gonna fail no matter what you do.
    The first thing you can do is be better prepared in the future. Do you really want to be going to an interview when you decide to start flushing the night before?
    You say you have a couple of weeks. Drink five bottles of water daily and exercise. You may need 20-35 days to get it out of your system like that, which is why you have to plan ahead of time.
  6. best thing for a temp fix is a detox drink.
  7. Out of the several times I've tried those detox drinks, I ended up getting ripped off since I would come out dirty. Theres this trick with aspirin that I've used and came out clean 4 times in a row with it but it makes you feel like shit for the rest of the day so I really wouldn't recomend it at all lol
  8. Can't flush it from your system. But you can dilute your pee so it appears to have no significant amont of cannabanoid biproducts in your pee.
  9. A second thread? Should of thought this out before you smoked. Dilution is your only chance unless it's a lab test just like I told you before.

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