Dad Gives 2 year old son battling with Brain Cancer Medical Marijuana An amazing story! It's incredible that the dad had the courage to go against the doctors to do what he knew would save cashy!! Long live cashy the toddler stoner!!!!!!
wow man, if weed is able to give this 2 year old his future back, ill be goddamned if its still a shedule 1 drug. SMOKE WEED ALL DAY NIKUHHHH!!!
Stories like this make me happy... but at the same time they piss me off ;/ edit- the reason it pisses me off is due to it being illegal, obviously ^^
Fuck yes, Good for him! Story made me a happy guy. Good for that family! i would love to donate to them!
it'll whip out tons of drugs that you don't need and you can smoke (eat vape whatever) and its easy to get ahold of So stupid But its amazing that the kid is cured. MJ 1 Doctors 0
I have gotten to this article on StumbleUpon at least 4 times in past couple of days. That's so good! Stories like this will help people see past the lies of how it turns you into heroin-addicted serial killer. I 'like' every article like this that I stumble on, anything to get more people to see stuff like this. I suggest people do the same.. let the blind see