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Dabbing out of control???

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by doodle_bug, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Hey GC folks,

    So I've been dabbing for a little over a year now, and I've been dabbing at least once or twice a day for about 3 months. I'm a student, so everything seemed to be fine: my grades are good, I manage to still keep up a slim remainder of a social life, etc. However, come summer, I didn't have nearly as much shit to do (went from taking 20 credits to unemployment) and my usage and tolerance SHOT up. I went from being able to make a gram of oil last me two or three weeks to having it last me 4 or 5 days. It was more than I could afford, and I was definitely lazier than usual. When I started to notice it getting bad, I decided that it was time for a t break. It was kind of a shitty time, but I took an 8 day break, and was planning on scaling back when I went back to it. However, it's just so hard for me not to dab when I know I have oil and time to smoke! But at the same time, if I decide to stop, I can just stop. I haven't dabbed for over a week now (smoked half a bowl once), and I had to severely cut back when I was doing some freelance work. On one hand, I feel like a fucking addict, but on the other hand I know I can stop (or at least cut back) when I have stuff to do, and I've done it before. I've always had good impulse control, but apparently not when it comes to oil in the summer. All I really need is a bit before bedtime, but it's so hard to stop myself from smoking in the day for some reason. Also, every time I smoke I want to get ridiculously high even though I don't have to in order to enjoy it, which builds up tolerance quite quickly. Also, when I first get a gram, I go through so much so fast, and then the dabs slim down by the end when I see my stash needs to last me a bit longer. Though even then, a small dab is usually around .03 g.

    So after that wall of text... Does it sound like it's getting out of hand? It's so hard for me to tell. What are ways that you get yourselves to use less oil? Also, I smoke flower occasionally, but I hate the process of smoking it. I actually bought an eighth of bud just because I knew I wasn't that likely to smoke it unless I really had to for sleep. Do you think I need to stop dabbing entirely? Because that would suck, but I'll do it if I have to. Part of me feels that after these realizations and a slightly longer break/severe reduction (two or three weeks, probably), I'll be much more conscious of my consumption, and will be able to enjoy the subtler aspects of being high, but the idea that I could potentially not be just lurks in the back of my head.

    tl;dr: oil has been a huge help to me and is part of my success in life (I can actually sleep!! I can give myself permission to relax!!), but I started dabbing more than I should have been, and am trying to figure out a good way to scale back to considerably (make a gram last two or three weeks) when you don't REALLY have to, but you also should. Thoughts???

    (sorry for the absurdly long post)
  2. Sounds like you answered your own question
    Cut back, Go outside and do something
    Sounds to me that you need regiment in your life, so give yourself a goal
    walk 5 miles you get a dab, With just getting out and doing things finding a time consuming hobby will help greatly to take your mind off the dabs.
    You can do, we know you can
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Oh and I agree you are dabbing way to much Cut Back.
    Smoke a bowl ever now and then to cut back on dabs.
  4. Having to work for my dab is actually a great idea! That's actually what I was doing when I was in school: finish everything you need to do that day (and ACTUALLY everything), you can have a small dab.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. That is exactly what I do
    I go all day as long as I can than after dinner anytime is fair game
    i try to wait until around 8pm when I am watching TV or relaxing just vegging out.
    I find if I smoke during the busy part of the day I never get anything done.
    Good Luck
    You can do it, just put your mind to it.
  6. Sorry but I didn't even read it all but from what I did read it seems like your over doing it and need to cut back and take a tolerance break

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. How the hell do u afford it

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