dab pen at work

Discussion in 'General' started by battybunz, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. yall so i work at a grocery store, and i am a chronic smoker like it helps my adhd and keeps me cool and what have you not that it matters but like i got into it with a coworker and she brought up my vape? my dab pen she means. like she told me going on my break was pointless with 20 m of my shift left when i get paid for it anyway and asked if my vape was more important. i did some.. silly ass shit walked away came back like YEA ACTUALLY MY VAPE IS IMPORTANT

    she snapped told me i was annoying i was like damn these consequences are not fun my dude

    should i buy a disposable nic vape b4 my shift tomorrow just in case ??? to be on the shafe shide???? thoughts and shames are welcome
  2. Fuck your coworker
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. "should i buy a disposable nic vape b4 my shift tomorrow just in case ???"

    Yeah, You should.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. After all this, I'd suggest not speaking to that coworker unless it was necessary for work.

    I remember those kinds, always a foreigner like me, absolute ass kissers with no real life skills and that job is as good as it will get for them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Fuck that cunt :cool:
    • Funny Funny x 1

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