da fuck?? hell just froze over

Discussion in 'General' started by davida0829, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. #1 davida0829, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    ok blades i have been putting up a fight for marijauna agianst my mom since i was 16 an now yesterday she okayed it she brought it up an i made a few key points on why its better then the jwh-018 i have been smoking an all of a sudden she asked how much does it cost i told her the prices around here an she was like ok just dont smoke in the house :eek::confused: i am freakin the fuck out man wtf is going on here????

    i get back to gather with an old friend turned enemy (we friends now) an all of a sudden i am gettin free bud an now my moms cool with it WTF :confused:

    any of u know what is going on here


    k guys just toked for the first time without worring this is the shit lol my mom went an got me a pack of pipe screens an knew what i was doin the whole time lol
  2. stop smoking meth?
  3. have not and never will smoke meth how the f is that even relevent to this??
  4. idk brah.. i'm baked out of my mind and your story made no sense... probably because i'm retarded high:smoke:
  5. lol all good man we have all been that baked before hell just lastnight i was that baked:smoke:
  6. i'd do some investigating dude. this coincidence is too good to be true in my honest opinion. don't do anything stupid.
  7. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x-fkSYDtUY"]Snap Out Of It![/ame]
  8. Marijuana is also better then crack, heroin, self mutilation, and suicide.

    I always found the "well, at least it's better then ____" rather faulty.

    Stay cautious, my good man.
  9. thanks man an yea it always was faulty that was my key point for 3 years lol never worked till yesterday:smoke: just cant wait to buy some weed an smoke it knowing i am not going to get the cops called on me (she woulda called em on me b4)
  10. shes looking out for her son, she' rather have you smoke something thats been around for centuries than a research chem laced bag of plant matter. she did the right thing and realized your just doing what you want.

    RC's are dumb, JWH just feels like your really high but its not as satisfying as weed. Its like weed with a big gaping hole in it

  11. damn thanks man that made alota sence :smoke: i really aperchate it

    an yea jwh does feel like ur really high but like u said it does have a big gaping hole in it

    best description of what that shit really is
  12. weed just clicks with our anatomy imo, RC's do their best but theres something i cant really put my finger on thats wrong with the high. i havent had any in like awhile but i remember my first time with some and i was blown away with it...it was overwhelming actually, but lacks the near orgasmic body high from some good green, even the mental part is different, but just as strong. Maybe if i used the jwh before i ever tried weed, or if they switched highs i would feel the same way towards the weed high. ive been trying to put my finger on it, but you just cant do that when high :|

    props to yo mamma btw, lol
  13. yea i know what u mean =] (and after 6 bowls of the stuff it is very very overwelming i was seeing shit i was so high on it)

    an thanks
  14. i think i may have put my finger on it, its like being high without the same euphoria, i never got giggly when using the jwh, weed just puts a stupid smile on my face all the time and i cant get rid of it :D
  15. there we go!!! lol thanks man u just solved another delema of mine =] this is completly right i dont get the stupid smile and i dont get the complete freakyness (forget what its called when u think alot about stupid stuff lol)

  16. Maybe it's because I failed at making a correct siggy :(
  17. naw lol that guy was just shitfaced stoned:smoke: i love the siggy thank you i think it looks baddass
  18. sup death-obsessed-boi???
  19. RELAX. APPARENTLY, your subconscious has created what you wanted! NOW WHAT ARE UD OING!?! GO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS AND SMOKE SOME DANKY!

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