So I'm in the city center yesterday and noticed a new store, the difference you don't get in without a digital identity, you carry on your phone, and wave over the screen at the door Also vending machines are now taking DI, with this DI you are scored and given points, low points means the vending machine won't let you use it, or the shop won't let you in, this idea is working well in China ,now hitting Europe soon Canada then the USA, support is from the EU and the UN. I can understand this buying stuff on the web but why is it needed in the real world when we all have credit cards driving licenses, even passports there is much corporate spin about to launch, and supported by governments for dubious reasons National ID schemes increased in number, visibility, and reach At the ID2020 summit in May 2016 in New York, the UN initiated discussions around digital identity, blockchain, cryptographic technologies, and its benefits for the underprivileged. Four hundred experts shared best practices and ideas on providing universal identity to all. Numerous new National eID programmes (including card and mobile-based schemes unrelated to ID2020) were launched or initiated. Examples include new projects in Algeria, Belgium (mobile ID), Cameroon, Ecuador, Jordan, the Philippines (PhilSys ID), Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Iran, Japan, Senegal, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, and major announcements in Denmark, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, the Maldives, Norway, Liberia, Poland, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and Zambia. Some of these programs now include biometrics, the majority in the form of fingerprints. Schemes such as the Gov.UK Verify initiative started in 2016. In August 2021, the government published its new version of its digital identity and attributes trust framework. Australia launched the first phase of its digital identity program in August 2017. Germany announced in February 2021 that its citizens would be able to store a digital version of their national ID card on their phone and use it as a digital ID (with a PIN for authentication) by fall 2021. Canada is also progressing with its federal digital identity scheme named Pan-Canadian Trust Framework, piloted by the Digital ID Authentication Council of Canada, a non-profit organisation (DIACC). A national proof of concept project for a unified login authentication service called Sign In Canada started in the fall of 2018. Aadhaar (India's national eID scheme)crossed the 1 billion users mark in 2016. At the end of August 2021, over 1,3B Aadhaar electronic IDs have been generated (99% of adults). This digital identity can be obtained based on biometric and demographic data. mAadhaar is the official app available in 13 languages on Android and iOS (2019). It essentially acts as a virtual ID card.(Digital identity trends – 5 forces that are shaping 2023) all done by 2030 (ed) they demand
Store security??? As well as data harvesting of course. It would put a damper on those entitled little shits stealing stuff from stores cuz the wussies working there let it happen. I almost got in a fist fight with a guy trying to cut the line at Lowes last week, & I'm 66. lol still crazy after all these years.
it seems to be a murky world of government over regulation and 'greedites' attempting to cash in on something they don't understand, as for the punters like me 'Im toast'
If I had my old pitching arm... I have witnessed what a can of Cambels tomato soup thrown with exuberance to the skull can do.
The more I read about this shit, the more it makes me want to live off the grid! I think James Cambron was right when he made The Terminator movie and the impact it might have on our future as human beings.