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D.C. Pickups

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by KindKush, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Some stuff that can be found in the D.C. area (From the left - Purple Frost, Purple Bubble Gum, Mango Kush, ChemDawg)

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  2. Nice lookin budz. A couple of those look like some shit thats been comin round here down south, can't say for sure that there the exact same.:smoke:
  3. Looks pretty decent, I bet it gets the job done :)
  4. love your strain choices, yummy!

  5. big ups!

    Mount pleasant area stand up!
  6. im out in the same area the mango and chem looking good. hope that shit circulates around my way
  7. Those are some sexy buds man:smoke:
  8. Thanks. I'm going to be getting some new stuff either tomorrow or Friday so I will post pics. Reppin D.C. :)
  9. Just picked up some Blue Dream.

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  10. Just got some Champagne tonight. Also, re uploading some pics of a few previous strains I posted pics of (Blue Dream and Purple Frost). Got some higher quality pics.

    From left to right... Champagne, Blue Dream, and Purple Frost

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  11. The Champagne tastes almost 'bitter-sweet.' Tastes similar to the beverage itself. Smooth smoke. Felt it equally in my mind and body.

    Blue Dream is one of my all time favorite strains, specifically this batch I picked up. It went straight to my head but also gave me a very mellow body high. Tasted like blueberries :)

    Purple Frost is a nice couch lock strain. Smells and taste very fruity, almost grape like.

    Out of the three, Blue Dream gets my pick for the best!
  12. Haven't re-uped in a while, just got back in town from Cali! :hello:

    And an update...
    Getting 1.5 Oz this coming Sunday :smoke:

    Posting a pic of what I got before I went away.

    This is some Green Crack. Gives me a very nice head high. Its an uplifting feeling and makes me want to be active.

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  13. honestly not tryin to be a dick but all of those look like the same batch of bud except maybe 2 of all those pictures, seems like your dealer just slaps a name on some dank and tells u it's different, who knows and cares it's good nugs!

  14. They are definitely different lo.l its just my phone camera that doesn't capture the huge differences in nugs.
  15. nice !! DMV !! how much does that shit run u
  16. We must be dealing with the same circle cause I swear I had those same buds in that order!! The green crack back in mid june was my personal favorite... Straight shut-down.. LLS

  17. Lately its been about 385 for an Oz

  18. Good to hear :) I'm about to get some new stuff soon so lets see if those happen to be the same as well :D
  19. Yo you got that green crack this morning :) im picking that up in a few hours :) NOVA

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