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Cystic Fibrosis and Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by scottw, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I'm also a lifetime CF sufferer but it's only been diagnosed recently at 44 years old. :-( I've had a lifetime of undiagnosed illness, resperatory problems, weight loss and most recently crippling insomnia. I always knew than smoking cannabis made me feel better but never understood the pathology. Doctors always said "You should never smoke!" but never said why. Until 2 years ago I was doing pretty good with a few downward spirals that were scary but after a couple months would stop and life would resume. But this time the spiral has bern pretty severe and having lost over 100lbs unintentionally and not sleeping more than 2 hours a night has started killing me. After several specialists found nothing I had to insist that this strange brownish grey sputum I'm coughing up was at the center of the issue. I was right. My lungs are completely overrun with the bacteria Pseudomonis Aeruginosa (the bacteria that is responsible for CF defective gene carriers illness in the final years.) and its become systemic and has begun to invade my body and g.i. tract. BUT. When I stop smoking I get sicker FAST! Within 3 days my stomach is racked with pain and I lose 5 lbs a day! Going from 260lbs to 160 in a year without even trying is rough and this time its been relentless. I'm lucky in that my partner is a surgeon and that gives me access to more information and case study literature than many have. I've found that THC is actually a serious anti-bacterial that kills Pseudomonis on contact and reduces the bacterias numbers significantly. So vaporizing and eating are 100% safe. But you also need to supplement with Pancreatic digestive enzymes because the pancreas becomes so full of thick mucous it cant release the neccessary enzymes for food digestion. Dehydration is another factor to consider as well. Stay hydrated. Enjoy the herb but whatever you do DONT SMOKE IT. Anybody who would like to talk, trade stories and attempts at healing and share experiences I encourage you to write to me. I'd like to hear from and talk to everybody. Maybe we can help each other in this battle. Love to you all.

  2. I have CF and I'd advise against the oil rig. Sure, it's a better, harder-hitting high, but I find my lungs feel really "sticky" after a few dabs. Vaping doesn't give me problems unless I turn it too hot.
  3. Hey there, I also have cf and I'm in the market for a good handheld vape, I was wondering which one you would recommend that's the safest. Thanks and hope your doing good!

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