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CVS Drug Test? (When should I take it?)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jihuji, May 16, 2011.

  1. First off, sorry for another DT thread. Anyways here's the deal:

    • January through March - I smoked almost everyday
    • April - I more or less stopped, but I took 1 hit the first week, 2 puffs from a joint on 4/20, and one teeny tiny bong rip on 4/27. That's all I smoked in April.
    • May 6th - I smoked a joint and that's all I've smoked in May

    My dad's friend can hook me up with a job at CVS. I'm not sure if they drug test or not, but I basically NEED to pass if they do. I told him that I'm waiting to hear back from some internships and if I don't get one, (which I probably won't) then I'll take the job at CVS.

    I'm a male, 5'9", and about 150 lbs. I don't exercise much, but I do run a few times a week. If I keep this up, and start popping some AZO cranberry tablets, when should I tell him I'm ready for the job? (aka take the drug test if necessary.) I was thinking around June 1st or so... how does that sound?

    Also, is there anything else I should do to increase my chances of passing the test?

    Thanks blades
  2. They do randoms around here, might be different for your area...But considering it is a pharmacy I wouldn't be surprised. Walgreen's is the same way...Either way, June 1st you should be good.
  3. Id drank those detox drinks everyday and exercised.
  4. exercise every day and i think youd be ready by may 20th for sure.

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