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Cvault will it keep herbs fresh if you open it couple times every day

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by jacolb, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. #1 jacolb, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    Cvault ..will it keep herbs fresh if you open it every day . If I put a oz in there and everyday , couple times a day I go in it to have sessions. Will it still keep herbs fresh ? I know if I were to only open a few times it will keep herb fresh. But not sure if I were to go in it a couple times a day for a month what will happen. Thanks.
  2. I never had any problems.
    Just split it up into multiple jars then. 
  4. what about if you don't put enough herb in it ? I heard it says to fill 3/4 . Bought xl before I knew. But only keep bout an 8th around .

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  5. what about if you don't put enough herb in it ? I heard it says to fill 3/4 . Bought xl before I knew. But only keep bout an 8th around

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  6. Y would u buy that f u only carry a eighth? Especially a large one? Could of just bought a jar n saved money and it would keep ur bud 10x as fresh

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  8. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
  9. Didn't realize you had to have a certain amount in there figured May as well get tha bigger size .plus sometime if really good I'll have more But I just want to keep my smoke sack fresh without worry about it losing potency. Scared to buy an oz to smoke cause by the time I reach tha last 1/4 it would have lost its potency.

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  10. it won't lose potency u just build a tolerance to that one strain, if u buy a quarter of 1 strain n only smoke like a gram a day or .5 that strain for the week by the end of the week you may need just .2 more to start feelin it because u build a tolerance to that 1 strain espes of u buy a ounce all of 1 strain n Thas all ur smoking , itl only loose potency if u don't keep it sealed in a airtight container kept in a cold dark room away from all sunlight

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  11. yea but even when you get to that last 1/4, not like youre smoking placebo, its just a little older. usually you want as little air in storage as possible, but thats not to say that a little air is gonna turn your bud into goose eggs. youll be fine, relax and enjoy.

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