
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sandman1959, May 27, 2008.

  1. Do cuttings survive well? If a person took cuttings (lower small), to grow in a pot of their own, do they do well? Root well? and would you want 18 hrs? Thanks:wave:
  2. not sure about weed but cuttings are the way to go when growing salvia i got 3 plants doing amazing right now
  3. Some strains clone better than others but with patience and TLC you should be able to get cuttings to take root. And yes you would want them on 18/6 or 24/0 light although you can start flowering as soon as they take root.
  4. if using HPS i would go 18/6 floros 24hrs would do fine...

    I have noticed taking clones...You do not need to give them any nutrients until all roots have shown... Nutrients will stop the clone from rooting fast...

    Just foliar feed with pure R/O water... until roots have shown..

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