so i've been growing for a few years both indoors and outdoors, mostly outdoors. outdoors with feminized seeds i've always had good yields, but never big buds. my plants always have LOTS of branches and lots of bud sites everywhere. i was wondering if i were to cut all the new branches that grow out, and leave a few big ones? i've had this happen with some auto flowers that just grow short but very thick and the buds were massive. the way i see it, is if i only leave a few branches, the plant will put all of it's energy into those growing them thick and strong, and this would also result in bigger denser buds since there isn't so many branches that the plant has to feed and support. now, the biggest question, will it affect yield? in my head it shouldn't since there is gonna be fewer buds but much bigger and heavier as the plant can only focus on those few branches rather lots of thin ones. are there any downsides to this??? tips??? i already use techniques such as LST and super cropping another advantage i see to this is that my plants will be shorter ( i have a height issue, can only go so tall) and easier to manage overall. let me know your thoughts growers.
Bigger the buds, bigger the risk of botrytis (bud rot). As far a yield.......what is more; 50 10g buds or 10 50g buds?
well thing is, by having fewer branches and leaves etc, the buds would also be stronger, since a lot of the buds are hidden below all the branches and foliage and don't reach full potency... by having fewer they'd have a chance to get more sun and thus becoming more potent also i see a lot of people cutting fan leaves during flower (especially ones that might not look 100% healthy, i've always avoided doing so as fan leaves contain nutrients that the plant can use during flower. but i'm starting to think it might be the right thing to do because it would allow the sun to shine more on the buds?
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I understand what you're trying to do but there's another way to get there. I'd forget about trimming away branches in an outdoor grow and concentrate on your soil. Plenty of good soil encourages a bigger root system which will gather lots of nutrients and you'll have a bigger, better harvest. Put the plants directly in a well-prepared bed and they'll be happier than plants in pots.
I trim constantly all the time. I've been growing outdoors for 30 years, legally for 10. Taking leaves unnecessary Bud sites and branches off is Paramount to AAA crop. Energy transfer is true no matter what anybody says. Taking unnecessary leaves and small branches and Bud sights off allows for better air flow reducing the risk of powdery mildew Bud rot and insect infestation. More light will be introduced to the lower Bud sites I often practice a two or three stage harvest. Now I put my money where my mouth is at and show you what I'm talking about. If this site will let my pictures load up it seems to have a problem these days which is very aggravating to say the least. the folks who run this site should fix it asap. It's been doing it for about 8 months now. They let me load up a few. So anyways I've been practicing this for a very long time. Manipulation of the cannabis plant is definitely Paramount for a good crop absolutely it just makes it easy and you get to know your plant. While you're out there inspecting it looking for any infestations powdery mildew if it's got enough water. So on and etc. Besides think about it? Do you think any domesticated fruit crop or vegetable crop doesn't or hadn't been manipulated to become what it is today? Apple trees orange trees pear trees grapes grape Vines strawberries corn tomatoes you name it it's all been manipulated. Anyways you can listen to me or you don't have to don't care don't give two s****. Give you my two cents worth. Take it or leave it. Good luck and happy growing
Those are beautiful well manicured plants, Growtogrow, and they look nice and frosty. I'd be proud to have them in my back yard. I bet you also prepared some good soil which allowed them to thrive. I've also been growing for a while and here's my last crop, my first legal grow. I didn't do anything other than prepare the soil, water, and add a little miracle gro when I saw the lower fan leaves begin to suffer. I also sprayed with BT every week after they started flowering to prevent bud rot from caterpillar damage. Look at how crowded they are yet still they still made a shit ton of bud. I'll admit it may not be a AAA crop but it was good enough for my needs. I have no idea who the old woman is but she does look somewhat like my wife. Not bad for 65, eh?
i usually use mineral oil instead of BT, i don't think bt protects against spider mites? how many months old is that plant? damn massive
Your right, fan leaves have nutrients but also they protect by absorbing too many nutrients as well Sent from my LGL322DL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I wish everybody could. Thanks you all I appreciate it. Those are 20 25s ones is a 65 and I think there's a couple of 30s in there maybe a 40s too. The lineup this year is nothing less than 25 most of them are 30 and 40s and one is a 65. There's 3 in the ground this year. The one's smallest one in the ground is an unknown???. I think it's a headband A or a headband B not sure which. As it grew up in that general vicinity from one last year. I'm surprised it lived at all as it was dug up once threw off for dead, brushed through on it, dried out pretty good, but wheel borrow almost ran over it, So I felt kind of sorry for it when I seen it was still alive. I said well you know what seems you went through all that and you're still perky I'm going to see what you're all about dug a hole and watered it here we go. The headband plant unknown possibly it could be a headband? He grew up in the general vicinity of where I grew the headbands last year, But that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be a headband plant... This is because I know for a fact that sometimes seeds come up years later. I had a picnic table in a spot that sat there for a couple of years. And then I moved it. So a couple of years after I moved it a plant started growing there in the springtime just before I was getting ready to mow I noticed it. It turned out to be a male. But the moral of the story is. them seeds sometimes last a long time before they decide to crack and grow. So most of those pictures up there made it couple of them didn't. But that's pretty much my whole entire crop for this year. I like I said I wasn't going to grow my full allotment. I had a really hard time busting seeds this year seems like a lot of people did I'm not the only one. Kind of precarious. Brand new 3 pack of Seed Stockers Runtz 2 cracked and died I got one left. I tried to crack 30 seeds this spring very little luck. It was the worst season that I've ever had I'm trying to crack seeds ever. My entire life. Anyways just got long real quick. Y'all take care happy growing. Wow Jack that's a big plant. Is that one plant? What size pot is that is a 250 gallon 300 gallon pot or bigger? That's a nice looking plant. It could be triple A flower though did it turn out pretty good? Yeah I don't grow for size anymore Jack. I did when I first started out I always thought hey bigger better you know. And I know you know my story you've read my stuff before. But I grow now for just the highest quality that I can grow outside. You know here in Michigan people really don't care for outside weed. The dispensaries are so cheap now it almost doesn't even make sense to grow anymore. Skyment they're going up for auction. LOL can you believe it or 127 million dollars in the hole. Some Canadian bank loan them a bunch of money and and investors. Oops they're not federally insured. Somebody is going to be unhappy. In my area there was this huge sports complex that they bought up to turn into a grow facility. Oops they never finished it. That's going to be a mess lot of money is going to be lost on them. You can get an ounce in Michigan in the central Michigan area for about 80 bucks an ounce right now retail. Middle shelf and maybe even top shelf depending on how desperate they are. Going recreational wasn't a good thing. I said that right along and I knew this was going to happen. And it did.
Well sure... Better than none... But I've seen some meticulous growers grow in small pots and have huge harvests. It's a lot of work you got to be on it everyday sometimes in the heat outdoors two or three times a day watering and feeding to stay up on evaporation rate that the Sun puts on a plant in a small pot.