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Cutting back

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by onapaperplane, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. #1 onapaperplane, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    SWIM has been a chronic smoker for the last 4 years but SWIM got caught up so his parents drugged tested him. Hes clean if they get off his back he want to know how much can he smoke so it doesn't stay in his system for months in the event that a dt comes up. Swim would only smoke on those nights where there isn't shit to do and alcohol doesn't cut it. Anyhelp is great let us know what you think.
  2. I Think you should get off grass city, i don't think your mature enough to be on here.

  3. And why do you think that.?
  4. Are you talking in third person or something? that just confused the shit outta me.
  5. Why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person as "SWIM"? seriously, wrong forum. If you are 18, your parents don't have a right to drug test you, so this thread is a non issue.

    Smoke as much as you want because even a puff will fail you, and have a nice day.
  6. lol. swim. gtfo of here with that
  7. Are u Michael phelps?
  8. haha what does the whole SWIM thing mean I have seen it on forums from years ago its pathetic, as if some cops are going to be looking at a drugs forum morning day and night just waiting and praying and hoping that one day just day one of its forum users mess up and type a sentence not using the word SWIM in capital letters and boom they've got them on a talking about taking drugs on a public forum charge 10-15 with good behavior bitch.
  9. [quote name='"nomoredoubts"']haha what does the whole SWIM thing mean I have seen it on forums from years ago its pathetic, as if some cops are going to be looking at a drugs forum morning day and night just waiting and praying and hoping that one day just day one of its forum users mess up and type a sentence not using the word SWIM in capital letters and boom they've got them on a talking about taking drugs on a public forum charge 10-15 with good behavior bitch.[/quote]

    Someone who isnt me
  10. Wtf are you talking about ? What are you asking ? Sounds like a problem for some underage kid ...
  11. [quote name='"onapaperplane"']SWIM has been a chronic smoker for the last 4 years but SWIM got caught up so his parents drugged tested him. Hes clean if they get off his back he want to know how much can he smoke so it doesn't stay in his system for months in the event that a dt comes up. Swim would only smoke on those nights where there isn't shit to do and alcohol doesn't cut it. Anyhelp is great let us know what you think.[/quote]

    Someone who isn't me doesn't hold up in court, just FYI...
  12. [quote name='"Bakedassninja"']Are u Michael phelps?[/quote]

    Hahaha oh my god post of the day.
  13. Uh oh look at all the pathetic age polices we have in this thread.

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