Custom Koji Set

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by glassuseonly, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Long time lurker, first time poster..

    Got this made custom after seeing a ton of really good work in headshops around here. Could not be happier about the way that it turned out.

    Let me know what you think.

    Attached Files:

  2. Wow, real nice set there man, that dish and dabber are too sick. Do you have a rig to put that awesome dome on?
  3. i like kojis work and this is really beautiful:smoke:
  4. Damn that is sick glass-work. I wish I could stare at it in person.
  5. thats really sick..looks like dude killed it =)
  6. Thanks everyone, I am really happy on how it came out.

    @Hitman, I have a locally blown GonG bubbler that I will use it on. I will get a pic up tomorrow of the setup. Im not smoking right now, on a break until mid Feb

    @Blood_Junkie, That means alot from someone with an oil collection like you!
  7. very nice, very nice. :D
  8. Sweet glass looks classy
  9. Really nice
  10. sick glass, sorry for my ignorance but what is the dish for , the rest i understand hehe
  11. the dish is to put hash oil into primarily.

    sick koji set, his 1up series isnt my thing but i love his linework

  12. ahh okay thanks
  13. @CC His one-up series was the first that I saw of him too. I liked the idea, but could not justify paying the price for it. I really fell for his work when I Figacellos that he was doing on slides and saw that his linework was top notch. Plus he torches out of the bay area and I really like to support glassblowers close to me, even though I am a little north of that.

    I can't wait to fill up that dish, On a break until Feb 12, but after that I am doing a run of some Sour D nugs and try out the new dome. Never used one, only a skillet soo far.
  14. Thought I would throw these up here instead of making another thread. I told Hitman that I would throw up a pic of the rig I would be using it on. Its a Blaze1 bubbler. I also figured I would put up my other koji ip tini. Plus a GMD DD slide he made for me for the hell of it.

    Let me know what you think.

    Attached Files:

  15. damn nice collection.
  16. wow man those colors sure do pop!:metal:
  17. I love koji man I have 4 koji slides myself
  18. looks killer. nice collection :wave:
  19. Koji makes gorgeous stuff. Awesome set!
  20. Thanks everyone. :hello:

    Koji is a really cool dude, hooked it up on some killer work and was really affordable. The only downside was the wait, but with work like this I see why he's soo busy.

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