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Custom Inline Ashcatchers...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Ergophelix, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 Ergophelix, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Hey Grasscity, it's excellent to be here making my first post!

    I'm posting because I've got a few questions. I just bought a 5mm Ehle ice-tube, a sexy shorty (I think it's 15 inches tall), and I'm in the process of upgrading it a little. I got a RooR diffuser, and I'll be picking up a custom bowl soon enough... But my main concern is an inline ashcatcher, which would make my set-up quite pimply.

    My budget is between $80 and $150. All I want is a simple (not too artistic or anything), functional inline. I've seen the Molino inline, and the WeedStar, and they just do NOT impress me... So I was wondering, where do I get this kind of piece? Do I go to one of the studios online, like Kind Creations, and just email them? Are there any good online shops where I could get this kind of thing without a custom order?

    I appreciate the help, guys!

    BY THE WAY: If there is a better place to make this post, could you guys direct me there?
  2. Toking Tools sections would be a better place for this. But IMO you can't beat a Kind Creations inline AC. They will ship to you if you call or E-Mail them.
  3. Thanks a lot!

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