Custom Glass Chalice by Robin Hood (Tons of pics inside)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by 419GottaMin?, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. #1 419GottaMin?, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    Finally got my Chalice today! Ill upload the milkshots when i puff this thing.:bongin:

    **Milkshots on Page 2 :bongin:***
  2. Fukkkkkn sick man. Dig it for sure. I soooo had that same idea. However A traditional GONG challice is more what I was imagining but that is off the chain! Robin Hood killed it for sure.

    So I gotta ask, was that your inspiration for the custom, or were you just lucky enough to grab that piece?

    Sick piece +Rep for having what I dreamed of.:hello:
  3. i demand a milk vid!
  4. wow super super fly. i love robin hoods work and that chalice is off the hook
  5. WHAT.

    so sick. milks are necessary.
  6. not 100% sure whats going on here, but it looks sweet.
  7. Haha, thanks guys i appreciate the comments. And caseball its really simple, just lite the slide, suck in from the mouth piece(like a hookah) and then the smoke goes through the inline-stemless-hose. And ill be taking some milkshots soon;)
  8. So it was made to your specs?
    Or just a custom that you picked up?
    Sorry just trying to figure out who's idea this was.:D
  9. What an epic piece. I'm anxiously awaiting a milk shot.
  10. Sorry man, lol forgot to respond to that. It was my buddies chalice, and he just ordered a new one, so i guess i was just super lucky to get it:p.
  11. damn that thing is nuts
  12. Fuck yea!!
    That is fat man been thinkin about that in my head for a long time.
    Gotta praise Jah when you rip that haha.
  13. Looks F-awesome, but for some reason, I foresee that hose becoming a nuisance in the future, either cleanliness wise or flavor wise.
  14. damn that thing looks sick. cant wait to c the milk shot:smoke:
  15. This thing really is confusing me. It has plastic tubing over what looks like a GonG female. Also it seems like it would be hard to clear with the small diameter of the tubing, which would leave stale smoke in the chamber. Is there any real advantage to a chalice other than the novelty of it being a whip style.
  16. Looks like a bong trying to be a hooka.
  17. #18 419GottaMin?, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    I really don't get how this thing is confusing to some people:confused:. Lol, maybe this will help:D

    Tried to get a long view of it, but it just turned out to be sideways :p (Any help?)
  18. that piece is way dope, so unique.
  19. Wow! That Chalice is epic! I've never really seen anything like that!

    It clears soo fast! I was thinking the tubing would constrict and cause a lot of issues, but it doesn't look like it does at all.

    ... Can I have it? :cool:

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