Curling on edges + deformed leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Pleeze420, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Anyone have an idea hot to make this go away or is it likely something they will grow out of.

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  2. Could be a little wind burn. Maybe a little too warm. Probably not a nute problem as they are seedlings and don't really need any nutes yet.
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  3. bit early but leaf curling on the serrated edges means its trying to transpire due to a heat issue. Could also be the first sign of root problems as well but mainly heat related.
  4. Would it help to use a spray bottle to wet the leaves?

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  5. Temperature swing between 72-86 bad for plants? I heard mid seventies is about perfect

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  6. Mine did the same during early veg. I was told it may be weird genetics because Im growing from bag seed.
    A couple of my leaves actually twisted 180 degrees. Weirded me out.
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  7. 86 is on the high side, especially if you havent got fans and good air exchange with a nice humidity.

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