A couple leaves in my otherwise very healthy garden are curling upward. Possibly russets but I don’t think so. I tend to be very effective at treating them and there’s none of the usual leaf blistering/blemishing. I guess it doesn’t seem as angry as russets? Possibly over watering? But I’ve waited several days between watering and see no other symptoms of such. Thoughts? Weather has been averaging 75-85. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If your out west it could be heat stress also, But you seem to think over watering and that could do it also
I've that happen to me where the leafs taco like that. I could be wrong, but I tend to blame extreme heat.
Apparently curling leaves could be from several things. If it's mites you'll soon know. I doubt it's overwatering.
I've had outdoor plants do that too. Usually within their first month outdoors, then, with time, they grew out of it.
Sometimes leaf hoppers can cause the curling thing. The hoppers were especially heavy last summer, but it didn't seem to adversely affect the plants in any real way.
They came out of it. I still don’t know what it was. Either those holes needed turning a bit more, they go transplanted during the day or it was heat. Wound up pulling off the curled leaves and no more happened. ty for the advice guys! -Stay Humble
Go to method to fixing any problems, just remove the leaves, lol no more problems. Fixes ph issues, too much fertilizer issues, caterpillar issues, powdery white mildew issues, etc.. Like a cure all!
If it's over 90 give them ice to keep roots cool Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app