Curious to hear peoples opinions on this article on marijuana and the brain

Discussion in 'General' started by war_subvert, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 war_subvert, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
  2. Never trust information on Wikipedia. On that website, anyone can edit the articles and write whatever they want without having to sign their name or anything. And with no author's name, how can you check for their credentials?
  3. Too much information for me to process right now. But I did read a few parts in it, and can understand specific things they said, but disagreed with a few as well.
  4. #4 war_subvert, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    I'm aware that the articles can be edited by anyone but that doesn't stop me from thinking that some parts of the article may be true. I mainly just wanted peoples reactions to the article and whether people think it rings any truth from personal experiences or if people think it's mainly untrue or inconclusive.
  5. The article is full of propaganda, wouldn't trust anything in it.:cool:

    ...people choosing less effort vs hard-labor ways to make money...ya...people will always choose to work harder vs smarter when given the choice...:rolleyes:

    excuse me while I LMAO.

  6. im curious as to where you guys find a bulk of information when u meed it, if you dont trust wiki, i mean is there some alternative?
  7. #7 war_subvert, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    There is a quite a lot of weed propaganda out there but I can't see how heavy smokers, like myself can deny that regular use could have some sort of negative consequences, even if fairly minor in comparison to the harm caused by some other drugs.

    I'm not agreeing with what's said in the article but I think alot of people don't have an open mind towards the potential negative aspects of weed. I love it but I think it can be abused and used for the wrong reasons.
  8. While this is true, as I understand it wikipedia does have a payed staff that review and check the validity of the claims of any person who chooses to edit an article.

    If you don't believe me, attempt to edit one and have it stay there longer than a day or two.
  9. #9 war_subvert, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Bump, was expecting a good discussion but I get the impression that a quite a few tokers don't like talking about the possible consequences and completely dismiss any potential negative aspects of weed.
  10. #10 tharedhead, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010

    Medscape Today- Medscape

    Read and analyze the studies for yourself, your conclusions may not be someone else's conclusions.

    And if you can get access to this (through school or your library)...

  11. #11 chris11, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    most of those studies are based on subjective criteria, and their results show nearly exactly the stereotypes stoners face. Im not saying that they are completely bunk, but bias is definitely a consideration in survey based results that coincide with preconceived notions. Also, there is no indication in any of the studies that the participants were "sober" when the cognitive tests were conducted, only that they were "heavy" users. I for one will never argue that marijuana impairs learning, attention span, etc. WHILE you are high, but once you come down completely (3 or so hours after ingestion) all the negative effects of marijuana are definitely abesnt, at least in my subjective opinion (which i value no less than anyone that participated in the surverys cited in that wikipedia article.)

    Since ive started smoking ive gotten a 3.6+ college gpa and am well on my way to getting into medical school. Id say ive had effects contradictary to that study, as many have. I believe marijuana makes you more of what your personality dictates, for example if you are a lazy person, you are going to wind up locked to the couch eating potato chips. Personally, marijuana made me realize that doing the minimal amount of work, although it brought me some success, was a complete waste of my time and that i should strive to be the best at everything i do. It also allowed me to disconnect from my usual thought process and improve minor aspects of my life, for example correcting my jumpshot form, eating healthier and more.

    I also noticed a lack of any of the recent articles that suggest cannabinoids can stimulate brain cell growth, as evidenced by the synthetic cannabinoid HU120, and no mention of THC and CBD's synergystic effect in brain cancer reduction. Their absence would lead me to believe that this particular article is written with a definite degree of bias. If you want a good, objective article, try reading this
  12. Thanks for the post and the link.

    I agree that some of the information is subjective and I think that in the case of surveys; stereotypes and social constructs/common perception could definitely have influence on people's answers e.g. if people are aware of others knowing they smoke and are being looked down upon by people for it, it could undoubtedly influence the way someone may see themselves.
  13. I dont believe thc is harmful enough to serious disrupt brain cell activity and things like that.

    One thing I will say is that marijuana can be the worst thing in the world for a lot of people (even if they don't think it is), and it can be good for others. In this im talking about daily or normal use.

    Marijuana has the ability to fuck peoples lives up, ive seen it in a few of my friends, who smoke a lot (recently lie about it also) and had good marks and motivation before, but now some of them dont care, and think that everything will just work out.

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