curing weed

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by greenrealm, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. i usually cure my dank with apples. wat does everybody else use?
  2. uhhhh FAIL!:hello:
  3. Might want to take a pitstop at the library and brush up on the definition of "curing"

  4. do apples absorb moisture from the air? or u just a tard?
  5. u gonna get some moldy buds
  6. epic fail. why the fuck are you posting in seasoned tokers?
  7. I do believe you mean "phail"
    newbs :rolleyes:
  8. bro your not curing your weed with an apple your just freshining it up, you gotta grow to cure and curing doesnt involve any fruit. you better look into your shit hommie, and try an orange peel it works better. or bread
  9. With my personal stuff ill put it in air tight tubowear and ill throw an orange peel in there. However, it only really does something if the grower didnt cure it himself. Also, i dont think anyone who posted above is quailified to say who is and isnt a seasoned toker. Dont be a douchbag these people are our stoner peers be kind, like the bud you smoke
  10. I laughed so many times at this...pfftt....Airtight sterilized jar, to cure my buds always.

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