Curing HELP

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by InhaleitChachi, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I tihnk I know what I'm gonna do for my drying. I was gonna buy a plastic container box like 2.5'X4'X1'. cut out large wholes and then put netting over them so bugs don't get in but air can pass through. Also tie strings from side to side then clip the bud onto the string so it is hanging and put a fan over one of the wholes to keep air cirulating.

    Only thing I dont get is the curring part. I understand it makes the smoke smoother but I wanted to know if I could use like a bigger sealed container made of planstic to cure. Instead of buying mason jars?
  2. you probably could. but i think that a case of jars is only like 10 bucks at the grocery store

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