Cultivating plants is amazing

Discussion in 'General' started by MikeyChill, May 3, 2010.

  1. So me and my buddy were vaping the other night and looking at his grow he has going and we started to discuss the miracle of life and amazing it is for something like a plant to start off as a seed and generate from withing to become a living organism. This may sound wierd but maybe because we were high and we were looking deeply into it but it really blows your mind to think about the life force around us and within us. For me its God before my eyes, but weed has totally enlightened me to a new hobby and thats growing things. Obviously growing weed is amazing for many reasons but i just started my first phase of my garden and thats growing strawberries. (yum)

    Im a total naturalist anyway and i believe EVERYTHING we need is in nature, and thats why i feel like cultivating and tending to a living thing such as a plant is so cool. Plus learning about botany and everything it entails is very interesting. It really teaches you a lot about life in general. This whole thing sounds wierd but i hope someone else here gets what im getting at.

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