
Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by GrapeStreet, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. A collection of article briefs regarding the breeding technique, "Cubing."

  2. Can't rep you anymore.:) Nice read, thanks for sharing.
  3. really good information....
  4. #4 Loner Stoner, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2011
    Ok, so I was doing some Pummett squares to see if backcrossing was truly neccesarry. I'll only be using two alleles, but please try to follow my steps to tell me if I'm thinking of this correctly.

    Desired Trait: Denser buds

    Female plant
    First allele: A (we'll say it's a gene for denser buds)
    Second allele: a (let's say it's a gene for less dense buds) <--- probably bad examples

    Male plant
    First allele: A
    Second allele: a

    So after doing some Pummett squares I came up with four possible genotypes, with two possible phenotypes.

    Genotype possibilities:
    AA, Aa, Aa, aa (25% Dominant, 50% Co-Dominant, and 25% recessive)

    Phenotype possibilities:
    AA, Aa - Denser buds (Should be around 75% of population of offspring)
    aa - Lanky Buds (should be around 25% of population of offspring)

    Ok, this is where I started getting confused. I didn't really understand the importance of backcrossing, so when I went through this process in my head I didn't think to clone the original mother (since I was trying to isolate a single phenotype, instead of trying to copy all the phenotypes of the mother itself, or a more uniform offspring) So anyway, for the next step, I assigned a male of female designation to each genotype randomly (given male to female ratio in cannabis is 1:1)

    Since the aa genotype did not have the desired trait of denser buds, I removed all of those types from the breeding project. So I was left with roughly 66% Aa genotype, and 33% AA genotype based on the remaining offspring from the original mother and father breeding.

    This is where my method got extremely difficult, because it would require a lot of growings. I would randomly breed the pollen from a single male to a single female (instead of mixing all the pollen up with different males). Theoretically if I got lucky, a AA male will breed with an AA female. All offspring would be AA, therefore having the desired trait. However, since there are more Aa present in the original offspring, there are two other possible combinations I could create, being AA x Aa and Aa x Aa.

    With AA x Aa I'll have more possible AA, since due to some more Pummett square I determined we'd have about 50% AA and 50% Aa. This increases the chance of me matching up a AA with an AA using the AA x Aa offspring versus the Aa x Aa offspring.

    With Aa x Aa I'd have only a roughly 25% chance of producing an AA genotype. This will produce the same exact results (roughly) produced by combining the original parents.

    So as you can see, I can achieve the AA x AA the second breeding so long as there is no aa genotype. It has to be at least co-dominant. The reason I did a second breeding amongst the first offspring was to increase the chances of an AA genotype. I could have backcrossed I suppose, but if the parent plant is an Aa, I'd be allowing that recessive a to be passed on to at least some of the population depending on the male genotype.

    Now comes the most crucial part of this process being successful. You have to seperate each different set of breedings. Once you have your first set of seeds from the Aa female and Aa male which we'll call G1 (generation 1 - the seeds), and you've removed the obvious aa genotypes, and you've bred random males with random females (not just a big mix of pollen. Just like humans do it... one man per woman, one woman per man) When all your new G2 babies grow up and reveal their phenotypes, do the same steps again breeding random males with females. What we want are the AA x AA matchups. The only way we know if we succeded or not is to backcross to the original mother (ok damn I just realized why backcrossing is important... which disproves my whole theory. But I've been on this for hours and I can't just delete this post after all the time i spent on it... Damn I'm stupid stoned.

    Was I at least on the right track?? Lol. My head hurts now. Off to burn one. Ugh but I need to understand how this works... anyone think they can put my mind back on the right track? Cuz I really thought I had something there...

    Basically I want the AA x AA. That I know for sure! Tricky thing is knowing if it's an AA x AA, or something like a Aa x AA..

    Hmm... Super stoner comeback!

    What if for every male I bred with a female, I seperated it from the others. So with the original Aa x Aa, and having 25% AA, 50%Aa, 25%aa, I'd remove the aa, what I would do is breed randomly, and grow out each child until I had a seedstock that was all possessing the desired trait. So let's say I happened to match up an AA male with an AA female from G1. I would be able to confirm that in G3 by growing out the G2 seeds, which would ALL have the desired trait, right? Then to further varify to make sure I don't have an AA x Aa hybrid, I grow out a G3(Third generation). IF was truly an AA x AA I'd have succeeded. If the male-female coupling wasn't an AA x AA match, then I'll have some recessive dominant genes showing (such as the less dense lanky buds), or all the recessive genes could just be hiding, but will reveal themselves in the third generation of inbreeding.

    Whew, I think I made sense. I hope so guys, cuz I was trying to do this having only taken a basic genetics course at my university. And this is all just for one trait (dense buds). We have our work cut out for us if we want to isolate multiple traits, or are dealing with a third allele as the OP mentioned.

    So anyway, the whole point of this semi-educational (I say that because I don't know if I'm correct or not) digression was to prove that backcrossing was unneccessary in isolating desired traits.

    A quick review of the whole process:

    Male is Aa , A being the desired trait
    Female is Aa

    Document every breed!

    Aa x Aa produces AA, Aa, aa. This is G1 (1st Generation)
    Remove the aa.

    Match up random G1 males with random G1 females. Produces G2 seeds
    Grow the G2 seeds
    Seperate every G2 specimin.

    G2 specimens will either be AA x AA (we want) or AA x Aa (dont want) or Aa x Aa (worst)

    Lol, again I find the importance in backcrossing. To verify if your G2 specimen is indeed an AA x AA, you'd have to backcross the G2 specimen with the G1 parent of opposite sex. Produces G3 seeds
    If you successfully matched up an AA with an AA in G1, then G3 specimins will ALL have the dominant traits. However if was an AA with an Aa, then there will be undesireable traits in G3.

    If unsuccessful then you trash that plant. ITs useless. If it was successful then obviously you keep it, and clone it, or set it to seed. You're more likely to have an AA x AA if you create more specimens back in G1.

    This process is difficult because it takes three generations to confirm if you have an AA x AA. But like I said, you'll have tons of specimens going at once, and you just keep the ones that you know are the AA x AA through G3 verification.

    So experts, was my process correct? I guess I didn't disprove the need of backcrossing, but I didn't do it until the very end. I guess same result different process?

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