Ctrl + s

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Blunt, Feb 8, 2011.

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  1. Used to post your quick reply when using quick reply, but now it doesn't? :confused_2:
  2. you're hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

    ctrl s is save? i thought that was like a universal thing?

  3. Well when I posted the Thread I was sober.. :smoke:

    I have a Mac but it must have been alt + s for the PC. On my Mac save is Command + S and control is a separate button. :p

    I swear remember being able to post a response with a keyboard shortcut..
  4. haha command and control are very different keys man hahaha

    i don't do mac's can't help sorry blunt :(
  5. Command is actually substituted for control on most Mac shortcuts.
  6. You can submit the Quick Reply by hitting the tab button and then enter or space after you finish typing.

    Just as easy, IMO. :smoking:

  7. Yeah, virtually the same thing just different concept. Guess I'll have to start using that, thanks.
  8. lets test this

  9. Dude, how come I can't see your signature?

  10. its control+alt+s

    IDK MAN D:

  11. Oh that's weird, thanks though.
  12. Yeah idk i just tried a bunch of combo's lol
  13. So......

    Has this been solved? :p
  14. Heh, It worked..
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