Who still playin this I laugh when i see kids talking bout how great COD is and all that new stuff this is where it all started.. add me my steam name is bradhostetler987
its all about 1.6, but sadly that game has passed away. D: source is pretty tight tho i havent played in a while.
fuck yeah! i've got cod, 10th prestige on mw2 legit, it's fun and all but CS:S is where it all began. i just sold my pc recently then realised CS:S wouldn't run on my mac... devastating...
I've wasted soooo many hours thanks to this game. IDK if they still have CAL competitions (I know the have CEVO now?) , but I was in CAL-O, my clan came in 6th or 7th. Not too bad Once I get a better graphics card, L4D2 will be my primary. trojanmanftw is my Steam ID. ADD ME!!!