CS:GO right around the corner

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by NowIsB, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Whos gonna buy this badboy, just went up for pre-orders, gonna cost $15 at release :D yay for cheap games that will be better than all other shooters :D
  2. Nice!!!!! When is the release date
  3. August 21st or 20th I believe
  4. I've contemplated getting it, but I've seen some gameplay and screen-shots and it looks just like a Japanese rip off of CS, I mean its only $15 so I mind aswell grab it. :bongin:
  5. I'm definitely grabbing this game, been a avid cs 1.6-source player for YEARS. And I heard the ps3 is utilizing a usb mouse and keyboard? that's a must buy for me if so. Add me ps3ers, infamous309mob
  6. I've had the beta for quite some time now. I'm definitely gonna pick it up.
  7. 1.6 is still fucking awesome.. I just hope they dont fuck it up like source :(
  8. I dunno... at first I was excited.. and then I started thinking I wouldn't get it. Now I just don't know.

    I've never played CS so I'm curious of what the hype is about, and I also don't play games on PC so this is a good chance.. but it's online only right? No single player? I don't like the idea of it only being online because I might not always have live. It's also all objective type modes with no respawning isn't it? That sorta makes me iffy too

    At the same time it seems pretty competitive and that it requires teamwork and strategy.. hmm

  9. Arms race is like the old gun game maps. Every kill earns your a new gun, and you respawn right after you die. Personally, arms race is my favorite mode to play.
  10. CS is my 2nd favorite game ever and my most played of all-time. I'm more than likely passing on this one unless there's a good sale sometime.
  11. Ew ew ew and EW. Played the beta for 4 min, turned it off. Tried playing it again several times, same result. Source still does me just fine...they ruined cs with GO

  12. No dude...if uve never played CS before then CS:GO is definitely NOT tight-butthole (lol)....buy counter strike:source for like 25 bucks, u won't be disappointed once ur past the learning curve

  13. 15 bucks just too much for ya eh?

  14. Grab CSS (Counter Strike: Source) its on sale on Steam until tomorrow for $6.80, that'll give you a feel for the game man :bongin:
  15. I played the beta and just wasn't feeling it. It felt way different but with better visuals like L4D style or something. I'll probably just stick to source or 1.6

    It's definitely not going to be "better than all shooters" if its the same game as it was in the beta
  16. css was released in 04 and is still better than about 95% of fps games released to this day
    CS:Go is basically the same thing as css with an updated engine and better visuals and gameplay tweaks, it costs 15 dollars lmao, i think its safe to say its going to be a fuck load of a lot better than just about all shooter games

    15 dollars for a game from a franchise known for creating some of the best multiplayer games ever, i think its say to say its worth the money; whether its better than css or 1.6 or not
  17. [quote name='"NowIsB"']css was released in 04 and is still better than about 95% of fps games released to this day
    CS:Go is basically the same thing as css with an updated engine and better visuals and gameplay tweaks, it costs 15 dollars lmao, i think its safe to say its going to be a fuck load of a lot better than just about all shooter games

    15 dollars for a game from a franchise known for creating some of the best multiplayer games ever, i think its say to say its worth the money; whether its better than css or 1.6 or not[/quote]

    for $15 its a steal, but from what I played in the beta I enjoyed source more and it plays different from source
  18. I'm definitely going to get it, I mean $13.50 for a pre-order of it, can it get any better.

    I've spent 2000+ hours playing CS:S and I don't regret a moment of it, lots of good memories. I hope to do the same with CS:GO.
  19. No, I have the beta. It's the exact same game as Source but with [barely] better graphics. Valve has been milking the shit out of CS, this will be maybe the fourth or fifth CS game they've released. I've played all of them. And after they ruined CS:S (a game they still charge $20 for) a year or two ago, I'm not too confident that they wouldn't end up doing the same with GO.

    I had been playing Counter-Strike since it was a Half-Life mod and have the GO beta. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I would be getting into, not ZOMG ITS FIFTEEN DORRERS!1

    Valve says! Protip: is everyone still playing that game you made 10 years ago? Release it again! They'll pay for it!
  20. oh you are just a negative nancy, i get it now

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