How good of a game was that? So who here still plays oh and here is how you can reach me: User: [PBS] Judge Server: Web: Anyways me and a friend just got back into it. And we made a clan, we happen to be usign my domain ( as our clan website, and im hosting a clan server..( Sorry got the ip wrong the first tiem POST YOUR USERNAMES!!
i played that SOOO much fall/winter quarter i will get back into it this summer i THINK my username is Hazed420
I play. CS name is gremlin [Get Murked Liberals] Steam account name is AK_MuNkY Anyways. I'll see ya on there some time.
I play 1.6, but i admit recently i bought CS:S and i've begun to really like it. Except the whole random bullet not registering thing.
hell yeah.. just started playing cs again a few days ago after a really long break.... source is good too but i prefer the original, more ppl playing, more leagues and stuff..
yeah i played for the 1st time the other day in a loong while i still got a lil bit of skill. i used to be amazing.
So anyone want to gaem right now? dude fuck condition zero lol, its the same shit. Just come on the original
I'll check out that server soon, I'm busy lately though I have several usernames MK ULTRA Green_Wizard kill_everybody also anything tG` prefix.