Crystals: blue kyanite amethyst

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by minicoupe3, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. So would it help if i put some blue kyanite and amethyst crystals under my pillow or above my head while I sleep to help with astral travel and dreaming?

    "It started out kinda scary though.. Yo PRO peep the scenario. We had the caps,fire, and the shrooms like Mario" -longlivesteelo #47
  2. looks like you've done the research, that's a pretty specific question for crystals brahhhh 
  3. Oooooou, Those are one of my favorite crystals! Happy traveling!
  4. I use clear quartz just to help me dream. I keep a rough natural clear quartz under my pillow that always helps and a big strawberry quartz tower on my knight-stand. Helps alot with just lucid dreaming. :)

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