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crystally fluffy goodness

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by RaysOnPinion, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. just some no-name nuggeture. :D



  2. I dislike non-compact buds but that looks dank. I want some.
  3. for sure.. it's that kind of dank you can smell from around the corner and down the way.:smoking:
  4. Daamn, i live in ohio an only see shit like this a couple times. What part of ohio you live in?
  5. North-eastern Ohio.. personally it's not hard to come across at all.
  6. ugh i want some bud so bad! havent had any in like 4 weeks! i need a little:bongin:
  7. i know man i've been there. & it makes it even worse when you have beautiful greenery staring you in the face. ahhha makes you wanna just rip it out of the computer screen. :laughing:
  8. its soo crystally
  9. nice buds man, haven't seen anything like that here in the SW part of Ohio in some time.

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