Crystal Castles

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by OneDyingWish, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Anyone know/respect this band. Its basically two people who make electronic music. Never have seen them live but I hear their pretty terrible.
    Definitely some good music to listen to while trippin


    [ame=]YouTube - Crystal Castles - Vanished[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Crystal Castles - Untrust Us[/ame]
  2. Have seen them 3 times in concert, 1 was bad the rest were spectacular really high energy and fun.
    But this is by far my favourite band.
  3. Yea at first when I heard them i was like ugh.. but the more i listened the more i loved them. I hope to see them live soon because I can imagine it'd be a great show.
    Can you recommend any bands similar?
  4. love this band good pick
  5. For similar bands you can try:
    Cut Copy
    Does it Offend You, Yeah?

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