does anyone know any other bands sort of in this chill/electronic melodic things.... preferably happy things. songs I've had on repeat recently are: hillbilly man by the gorillaz [ame][/ame] ungirthed by purity ring [ame=""]YouTube - Purity Ring - Ungirthed | HD[/ame] my body by young the giant [ame=""]YouTube - Young the Giant - My Body[/ame] blood red moon by the xx [ame=""]YouTube - The XX - Blood Red Moon[/ame] crimewave by crystal castles [ame=""]YouTube - Crystal Castles Vs. Health - Crimewave[/ame]
I'm really not a fan of CC... your vids aren't loading for me as well bruddah.. Don't know if it's my browser or GC.
[ame=]YouTube - Thieves Like Us - Drugs In My Body[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - Cut Copy - Zap Zap[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - M83 - Couleurs[/ame]
[ame][/ame] I love this song..the video is definitely strange that's for sure
yeah I agree with song...creepy video...did you watch it all the way through?? shit gets crazy as the song progresses
Chill...wave....? I don't subscribe to this genre. I think this is as close as I get: [ame][/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gui Boratto - No Turning Back[/ame]
vid won't work, but I'm checking it out anyways. sexy song. actual music sounds like a better damien rice, voice reminds me of radiohead sorta. thanks.
ahh man i love foals [ame=]YouTube - big big love (fig. 2) by foals[/ame]