Anyone play the new Crysis 2 Demo on xbox live? I fucking love it, its like battlefield on heroine lol. P.S I don't know when the PS3 and PC will release the demo, if they ever do
i'm downloading this now 2
theres a bulletstorm demo also check that shit out buy crysis for the PC. mouse and keyboard will suit this game waaay better than a shitty game pad
im inclined to agree but good lord will I need a new video card Crysis is the video card eating monster
i played it and honestly dont think its gonna be worth 65 dollars on release, ill get it once it goes down to 29.99 or something.
hehehehehe you know how many times I heard that CRYSIS WONT STOMP MY BEAST OF A COMPUTER holy crap ... barely getting 30 fps wtf!1 crysis is like a fucking benchmark program..shits gonna eat every computer ALIVE!!
yeah man everyone says that. My pc still runs all other games on the PC at max settings, crysis though...still getting 25 fps
yeah man my computer might have a heart attack if i try.. im so frustrated with my computer. my room for god knows what reason is the dustiest room known to man so my computer is a dust magnet ive literally q tipped globs off my processor.. pretty fucked up my anti dust machine sucks ass time for a new one
Not impressed by it. It's essentially another Call of Duty that promotes camping. Literally giving you free stealth and means to upgrade it. The stealth detectors don't work for shit.
right man the stealth bothered me big time.. everytime I died it was being assassinated they should give you maximum jumping power instead of stealth for mp because stealth will be the bane of that game if it stays in as is
if uve played crysis on PC you will know stealth is huge in this game. learn how to use it or you will suck.
exactly until people learn that there are more skills required in a good shooter other than accuracy with a weapon. in good shooters accuracy is only a small part of the equation. perfect example would be TF2.