Crossing CBD flower with THC flower

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by gatoloco, May 7, 2022.

  1. So I was pondering something recently. A friend of mine has a large quantity of afghani pollen stored up. We were wondering what would be the end result of we pollinated some cbd flower with the pollen. I have some legendary OG plants right now vegging nicely and considered pollinating a few flowers with the pollen. Would this result in a cultivar that is more 1:1 in THC and cbd? Or will it result in just a junk plant of no value?

    Anybody with experience in this I greatly appreciate your input in the matter.
  2. Crossing a THC strain with a CBD strain will yield hybrids with a mix of both THC and CBD. If you f2'd those hybrids, the results would be a mix of THC, CBD, and mixed ratio plants.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Hmm. Interesting. This sounds like an experiment worth trying.
  4. Here’s my experience with that. Due to a seed mixup at germination, we accidentally bred a hemp strain to a high powered Deathstar ( 29% thc). Gorgeous plants!
    But the end result have is phenos with levels ranging around 2% thc and up to 12% CBD. Killer pain meds!
    But not so good for getting high af.

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