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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GetHighYes, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. It seems that every time I smoke while I'm drunk I end up puking. Now obviously I've learned my lesson and have only done that twice but does this happen to anyone else? And does anyone know why this may happen? :confused:
  2. Happens most times. its annoying as hell. But when i smoked and then drank a few beers i got a nice buzz from both, maybe its smoking while drunk that gives the puking effect.

  3. Exactly haha if i smoke and then drink im straight but drinking and then's over.
  4. drink less...
    only time ive puked was when i drank 2 roman cokes while smoking 2 blunts, drank a beer and took a gb hit.
    obviously a little much for somebody that doesnt drink that much and has a low weed tolerance.
    but in moderation crossbuzzin is awesome.
  5. I've heard this theory a few times and am inclined to believe it. I prefer drinking after as well. I really think bud is always a good thing to do first almost universally with other drugs. I was tripping on 5 psilocybin capsules last day + night (thanks to you if you're reading this, E) and I smoked all the way the way through, makes it very pleasant. Also, I agree about smoking then a few beers. Makes you feel nice and buzzy and warm but not too disoriented or sick.
  6. I just drank 8 shots of everclear and smoked 4 j's of ak47 in over 1 hour... I'm surprised i can type.
  7. #7 Anubis578, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  8. You would be throwing up if you drank and smoked all that.

    The booze,weed and puking thing is normally with people who are new to smoking or not use to drinking. I can smoke and drink a bottle of wine and be fucked up but not puke. With vodka I have to take it a lot slower or I while hurl while smoking. I personally dont like mixing the two.
  9. I actually have learned to like the double spins. Still if its ever legalized I would quit drinking completely.
  10. also make sure that you are exhaling all the smoke out of your lungs/throat/mouth before you take a drink otherwise you swallow smoke and it can easily make you throw up if enough of it is swallowed.
  11. im gonna ask mythbusters
  12. I never puked. But I try not to drink and smoke. The one time I drank half a slurpee cup filled with vodka then smoked a bowl I couldn't even walk. Like seriously I'm a pretty heavy guy and I had drank like 30min ago and wasn't even feeling it. Some hits off the bowl I was falling all over myself.
  13. weed before beer you're in the clear, beer berfore grass you're on your ass
  14. My new slogan. I agree completely. But whenever I drink wherever there's weed, as soon as I'm drunk I'm down for it. Stupid alcohol lowering inhibitions.
  15. not realy, drinking and smoking go hand in hand for me. of course if its in excess i'll puke like anyone else, but i can hold my booze, and my smoke pretty well, so its usually not a problem.

  16. Yea well im just your average guy at about 180 so I try not to overdo things. Ill just keep the two seperate so I can enjoy either buzz.
  17. Ya... i always puke after trying to smoke wasted.
    But if im tipsy and smoke a joint, it feels great. Drinking after smoking aswell
  18. #18 qverk, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Maybe it's something you should avoid in your beginning relationship with cannabis, but when you drink about 2-3 bottles of beer, you get that awesome happy buzz. This combines perfectly with a joint or a couple of hits from the bong. This is best applied when with a good friend, as I usually end up laughing my ass off.

    But then again, none of my buddies (or me) have ever thrown up when smoking after drinking (or the other way around). I guess it's just a question of knowing yourself, if you can't handle drinking and smoking in that order, don't, and you'll probably be a happier.
  19. Yea if I do combine the two again ill remember to smoke first

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