So I just smoked a blunt roach through the carb of my pipe and I was thinking that it'd be helps sick to have a pipe with three carbs, and stick a j or blunt in each carb. Pack a bowl and light the js and hit the bowl. Maybe have an extra carb to clear it I guess. Imagine three fruity blunts and some fruity weed to mix together there. Daaayum I might have to make one of those. P.s. I also wanna make this thing I call a pillow binder
so if you were trying to just smoke a bowl you'd have to hold tree carbs? its a cool idea but i think it would be a little impractical for me.
Yeah I kinda thought about that. Maybe the carb could come with plugs for when you aren't using them. But it's definitely just like a gag thing. Not like for on the regular.
Just make a windmill [ame=]YouTube - Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Windmill[/ame]