Me and a few of my friends rolled up a pretty nice cross blunt!! Has anyone else ever done this? worked out real well Tell me what you think? Have any of you guys ever done this? Did it work well? All together it was about 7 g's 2 Game Greens, and 2 Blunt raps to keep it together.
Nice one man, I did the same thing with some friends last 4/20. 2 peach games (plus one to seal it with) and around 10g of a bunch of different heady strains mixed up. Worked perfect too
haha! Thats awesome man. That shit was burning for a good 45 mins to haha only 5 heads on it, so we were feelin real good man.
dude you mustve got so messed up on that you was probly like "dude... hehe its a cross ... IM SMOKIN JESUS!". can i get an amen?
Not really.. 5 people, everyone threw in 1.5g, around 8 bucks for the blunts and wraps, and everyone got stoned for a good 3-4 hours =]
I've tried rolling one but got pissed off and ended up toasting the weed in my illadelph. Not an easy task rolling one of these. +Rep
Nice man I did one too. check it