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Crohn's and Cannabis

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Icarus2, Jan 26, 2011.

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  1. Anybody else out there smoke to help out their Crohn's? My GP told me that it would help and even offered to write me a script for the pills. It's not approved fo use medically in Kentucky yet but I thought it was surprising. It helps me out with nausea and pain.
  2. I do and it helps A LOT
  3. It was messed up. I asked my gastro if it was a good road to walk and she said "NO NO NO" but then I recently went to my general practitioner and he RECCOMENDED IT as a treatment. He was all about helping me get a hold of it in some form.
  4. I find that it helps. I wouldn't use it as the only medicine nor would I say it's some miracle drug for Crohn's, but it certainly helps make the disease more tolerable
  5. OP there's already several topics on this subject, including a support group on this very page!
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