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Crockpot butter question. Low or Keep Warm setting?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by s7ee, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Im making canabutter and my crockpot has Low - High - Keep Warm as options.
    Im asking if anyone knows to keep it on low or keep warm during the canabutter process. thanks in advance
  2. i would just follow the recipe and keep it on low if thats what the recipe says to do.
  3. Well I never got to find out because my dogs went to town on the crockpot even though I covered it good enough to stop a tornado. Fuck i just lost 14 grams. Fuck dogs.
  4. I did this shit once before the recipe even came out, i had it on low but said fuck it and turnt it to high because they dont go over like 200 something degrees, probably not over boiling.
    Mine didnt turn out right though cuz i used 1 joint and a whole stick of butter...try eating all that first meal of the day:eek: yea it was nasty, i ate as much as i could tho and DID NOT GET HIGH
  5. I use hi and lo settings

    My crock has that keep warm setting too; nev fuck with it tho

  6. yo dogs gonna be ripped :eek:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. No answers then ?
  8. Crock pots are fine if you have a few POUNDS of weed or hash to cook.
    Otherwise it's way to big a fucking tool for the job.
    Like using a 20 pound sledge to drive a wire brad with.

    5 grams of decarbed powdered weed (decarb=240 F for 40 minutes)
    2.5 teaspoons of Cooking oil. (Coconut oil is best but butter works)
    .5 teaspoons Lecithin (any kind) (power doubler)
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Makes about 10-15 good doses with weed
    30-40 with high grade hash.
    A tiny stainless steel cat food dish is what I use for batch after batch of the stuff


    15 grams of hash and 3 tablespoons of Coconut oil. Winds up like a mud pie.
    A single drop of this shit will blast my wife into orbit so take care.


    So no.
    Crock pots suck donkey balls for making good cannabis oil.
    I've made and taken just over 30,000 hash caps exactly like this so I might have a fucking clue how it's done.
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