Criticism on my business idea

Discussion in 'General' started by Mstrmatthew, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. So i'm in a real world class at my high school and i have to come up with an idea for a business. my idea was a teen resturant that was open before school and after school that served cheap food had a couple tvs, computers and free wi-fi. it would be a place for school aged kids to chill at. Also it would be an awesome place to study with friends for a test or homework help.

    What do u think? im also in need of a name for it.
  2. Think of a new idea.
  3. 5 words: smoking lounge
  4. Ehhh Colleges usually provide the same damn thing, and high school kids only have so much money, or no money at all, as was my case.
    You will fall.

    Solution: expand your target consumers
  5. any particular reason why? or are you just being a jerk? i really need good criticism here. I can win prizes if my idea is chosen as the best one
  6. reverse petting zoo..

    'The Office 2010"
  7. #7 Inthedirt4good, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    location and audience is key. high-schoolers aren't known as being particularly charitable. you want to make money, and expand. Restaurants are known for being prone to failure.

    i love restaurants, but i think that your making this assignment to difficult.

    The easiest way to make money is to sell something for more than you paid for it.
  8. Constructive criticism:

    Be prepared to have a lot of kids hanging out and not spending money.
  9. Any ideas on what i could sell?
  10. it could be recession proof like alcohol or some sort of investor run speculation, minerals, oil, lumber, energy distribution, real estate, bio-tech... have fun with it
  11. Research current consumer interests, and make an educated decision.

    If you think there's a market for a product, then there you go.

    Auto-motive repair shop, perhaps. Someones expensive mercedes doesn't change the oil itself! ;)
  12. Set up a porno company that let's amateurs pay money to make films with hot chicks or dudes.

  13. I hope the project is coming along nicely. Come up with anything yet?
  14. Yes i have. i decided to do a candy shop. its gonna have all types of sweets donuts cookies chocolate etc. its gonna have free wifi and serve milk oj and coffee and also includes a make your own sundae place. There where four of us who presented ideas and i moved along with the other two. Now i have to come up with the budget and expenses and all that. i hope i win. lol wish me luck
  15. This is my opinion, Personally I wouldn't go...I hate kids at my high school they are all gay lol im for real...if it was like a stoner/hippie hang out..hell yeah id go those are my people..put it next to a river like a chill N' grill kinda place it would be sick u could go swim in the river and smoke a little bit and then get ur munch on at ur place....depends on the location though i suppose...try to put neer a stoner area( i know a river where everyone gets stoned and would be a awesome place..) good luck!
  16. im a business major so ill chime in. When you say come up, do you mean you have to find a way to come up with capital and all or just an idea? With restaurants you have so many regulations because of serving food and it is a lot of work to keep certification and all. Cheap food like wat? You have to think of other places around and think wat sets you apart from them, like wat makes you any better than mcd's. Also kids tend to fuck things up, like your tv's and shit. No such thing as free wifi somebody has to pay...
    think of somethin your town does not have and provide it. Their are so many factors also.
  17. buy 500 vending machines and get some hoes to get the money from them and send you it

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