Critical Mass?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by DragonMage, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. Okay, now with Arizona passing medical marijuana legislation that makes 14 states and D.C. who have medical marijuana legalized. If states continue one by one legalizing medicinal Cannabis do you think it would reach a "critical mass" so to speak and the government would feel compelled to re-classify it as at least Schedule II and allow it nationally? If the majority of states were to want medical marijuana wouldn't the politicians feel like it would be politically expedient to go all the way and legalize it nationally?
  2. The movement will have to win at least 3 more red states in order for critical mass. Just my prediction.
  3. I believe the answer is still no. The people don't pay for election campaigns, pharm companies do.
  4. I'm afraid of the opposite. When enough states legalize it, the self-righteous federal government might step in and try to stop it.

  5. What about the advancements of civil rights

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