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Cripy and sativa

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by baltrpe, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Hi! im a girl I'm 20 i have been smoking for like 3 years. I live in Colombia and I usually just smoke blunts of cripy. We have to kinds of weed cripi and regular, and whenever I smoke regular I don't feel any effects. I'm just curious because whenever I go to another country I don't know what kind of weed is cripi. Is cripi the same as Sativa?
    Thanks for the answers, I really appreciate them

    Cripi is also called, crispy, cripa, and Idk whatelese
  2. Crippy weed? are you talking about top shelf weed as opposed to mids?
  3. cripy? you mean like high grade or kush?

    If your use to smoking hg/kush then regular/shitty weed wont get you that high at all.

    It all depends on the seeds and the growers
  4. Define the slang terminology "cripi" please lol.

  5. Crippy is slang for top shelf "fire"
  6. First of all, thanks for your answer.
    cripi is really good weed. Really great quality, and smell. I guess living in Colombia it must be awesome weed. Im just curious because i don't know what I'm smoking since we don't usually talk about the kinds of weed. For me theres only regular, crippi and hash! When I go to visit other countries I don't know way to ask for! and I don't understand half of the things in this forums!

    here's what i found in this forum:

    -On the streets "kryp" as in "kryptonite" got played out a long time ago.
    in the ealry 2000's it was slang term for the top of the top. A grade. like floridas medical type shit. almost as good as california.

    -just slang for dank, its a florida thing

    urban dictionary: \t
    1. Word that exists primarily only in Florida, referring to exceptional marijuana. Throughout most of central to south florida, pot is only referred to in terms of "regs" or "crip/crippi," unless referring specifically to more obscure or hard to find strains, like white widow, purple haze, northern lights, etc. Typically fruity-smelling and extremely potent. Crippi is actually a florida grown weed that is a Sativa strain, giving a great mental high with very little body sluggishness.

    Hearing something descibed as "crippi" does not guarantee that it is actually the crippi strain, but it is definitely going to be very potent.
  7. Ok, thanks for clarifying. First off, to understand the classifications of marijuana used on this forum, u need to do a little scientific reading. Look up Cannabis on Wikipedia. Here, we generally categorize marijuana strains as falling into 2 groups, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica, these will be explained on wikipedia. There is also Cannabis Ruderalis but that has a lower THC content and as a result is avoided for most commercial grows. Autoflowering strains, those that dont flower by photoperiod, have cannabis ruderalis genetics though. Generally, autoflowering strains are smaller, hardier, and quicker to flower. In short, they are easy, that is why people grow autoflowering strains even though they sacrifice some medical/recreational potency.
  8. In Hawaii we call the top self "Crip"
  9. This is all correct. I am a Miamian, and I am a bilingual English/Spanish speaker. Crippy = cripi, its just a slang word. I know Don Omar uses it :p

    Crippy doesn't always mean sativa though, it just means dank here in South Florida. If you ask for crippy, you are asking for weed that is $10-20 a gram and can be either indica or sativa, don't expect your dealer to necessarily know (though some do).
  10. #10 WeedNotDrugs, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2012
    Only reason I know what the slang for crippy is because of the supervillians. A lot of top shelf smoking then to mids is the reason you're probably not feeling the "regular" or mids too much. Better to stick to your topshelf.

    [ame=]The Supervillains - Crippy Weed - YouTube[/ame]
  11. Op when are you visiting me in California ?

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