What up all? My names Ben, Wheelz, Toxic, ToxicWheelz, Gimppy, or what ever else you want to call me. I am 26 from Minnesota, Mankato to be exact. Always up for new friends, and contacts so hit me up anytime. Btw, if you haven't figured it out yet, yes I am in a wheelchair.
Welcome to GC brah! You're going to have alot of fun on here it gets addicting.. if you dont mind me asking, what caused you to be put in a wheelchair?
Not not at all, I was actually born with Spina Bifida, used to be able to walk up until about 6 years ago when I had a back surgery to deal with some pain and hopefully keep me walking a bit longer, well it dealt with the pain but woke up and couldn't feel my right leg about mid thigh down. Oh well though its life, and its actually pretty cool, I get amazing parking and since I'm an ass man awesome point of view haha.
Always have had one, hell the wheels haven't slowed me down any, if anything they made me a little more crazy, I look at shit now like "whats the worst that can happen other then death" actually had a buddy tell me "you can end up in a wheelchair" I just stared at him.
Damn Blunt your an hour away won't do me much good tonight lol, lets just say I got cash but no smoke lol
thanks for the warm welcome Annicus, btw I almost used my Xbl gamer tag which is LoH Toxicus lol just saw your name and that made me chuckle