Once during a smoke sesh outside I heard a lady screaming at the top of her lungs and couple gunshots right after. Also, sometimes I hear a baby crying anywhere from 12 am to 3 or 4 am and I don't know who's house it comes from. But it's in the direction of homed far from mine. Probably nothing but I always find it strange with the time and all.
Crazy stuff. A couple years ago, a lady was looking for her lost dog and yelling the dogs name around everywhere.. I thought she was crazy and trying to rob our house. Kind of a stretch.. But I was very paranoid
Well I was high off...something that may or may not have been weed but anyway I was getting mad audio hallucinations. I had headphones in half the night too. I swear I kept hearing my mom call my name or friends who lived hours away saying hey to me. It wasn't scary since I knew it wasn't real but my brain still kept hearing them and a few times I walked out of my room to see if my mom really had called me. Also trying to text was frustrating as hell. I would get halfway through sending something and have no idea how to finish and kept rereading the entire text messages and it just made no sense to me.
[quote name="My Username" post="19350043" timestamp="1389850334"]Crazy stuff.A couple years ago, a lady was looking for her lost dog and yelling the dogs name around everywhere..I thought she was crazy and trying to rob our house.Kind of a stretch.. But I was very paranoid[/quote]Is it just me or does all the weirdest shit tend to happen when your high? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Yeah nothing too crazy for me on cannabis but another fungus had me hearing voices like a conversation and laughing
The craziest shit ALWAYS happens to me while I am high..... i am so glad it's just not me. Once some tweeker was trying to rob me but he was so gone that he sorta gave up after I gave him a dollar XD
[quote name="My Username" post="19350043" timestamp="1389850334"]Crazy stuff.A couple years ago, a lady was looking for her lost dog and yelling the dogs name around everywhere..I thought she was crazy and trying to rob our house.Kind of a stretch.. But I was very paranoid[/quote]I also have the worst luck with cops. It's VERY rare i see one on the streets. But I gaurantee you if I judt picked up bud I'll see at least 2 to 4 cops on the way home. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Also, i've only hallucinated off weed once. I see things when i close my eyes and hear things at night when i'm falling asleep. However, one night I hadn't smoked in like a month. I took like 20 bongs hits, passed a blunt and two joints, and like 15 hits out of my pipe. We all brought like 2-5 grams of medical grade weed. I remember looking at my friends eyes and watching them grow 4x their normal size. Then I remember walking out of my car and hopping around saying I was a bunny rabbit. Weird part was I wasn't playing around... its hard to explain but I WAS a fucking bunny rabbit.
YOU TOO! Recently, I was held at gun point by a cop and basically strip searched. Once the cop realized we were just pot heads, he fucked around with us and then let us go without any tickets or records...
Just this last week I had a creepy encounter. So my bro, his gf and I live together, and they went to sleep, so I decided to stay in the living room and watch Netflix. I was smoking the bong and something had caught my attention, *BANG* I hear something in the kitchen, and I noticed it was the oven (I can see the fridge the oven and half of the sink area). So I look in the direction of the kitchen and I see the cabinet that's beneath the sink wide open...dude I almost dropped the bong, and I couldn't shake it off because: 1.) There's no possible way that heavy ass cabinet door can swing open like that 2.) There was no fucking air in the house. Anyways, So I'm looking at the fucking door and it Started to move back and forth slowly, holy fucking balls the door was moving as if you're on the phone and you start touching random shit and playing with doors or what ever. Dude, I started calling my brothers name and where he stood he couldn't see what I saw but you know what, he saw the fucking door wide open, so I knew I wasn't fucking stoned off my ass he was like "netta you close the door" and I was like "nah you're the man of the house" so he did.....lol we were fucking pussies man, and the funny part is I'm fascinated with the paranormal world, anyways yeah that's what happened. Sent from my iPhone using Grassc
[quote name="theindulger420" post="19350151" timestamp="1389851456"]YOU TOO! Recently, I was held at gun point by a cop and basically strip searched. Once the cop realized we were just pot heads, he fucked around with us and then let us go without any tickets or records... [/quote]It's those damn predator drones, man. I bet. "Unit 490, Eagle Eye spotted a couple of stoner looking young men exiting a suspected drug dealers house. Please proceed to scare the shit out of them until they reach their destination. Over." Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Dude that must have been the scariest shit ever. I would've peace'd the fuck out and ran to a neighbor's house. Holy shit.
IKR!! I swear.... we have a 420 on W. Manchester street over... yea copy i'm heading over there right now over... also I need some back up just to surround and freak out these pot heads so their paranoia goes crazy over...
[quote name="theindulger420" post="19350229" timestamp="1389852410"]IKR!! I swear.... we have a 420 on W. Manchester street over... yea copy i'm heading over there right now over... also I need some back up just to surround and freak out these pot heads so their paranoia goes crazy over...[/quote]Haha! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app