So recently I received a letter in the mail from American Recovery Systems. It is saying I owe them about 2 grand. However, it doesn't have my last name. It has my mother's last name from when she was married to my step dad. I never legally had this name. It doesn't say what this is for or anything. The only thing I can think of is I was involved in a minor collision in 2007 and my mother gave the lady who hit me my real first name and her last name (which isn't mine). I dunno why my mom did that but anywho I'm jus wondering if this will effect my credit score or anything? Is this letter even legit? It says if i call now I can pay 1,200 of it and they'll consider it setteled in full. (sounds like sketchy kinda?) I have no job and no money to pay for this either sorry Country Financial So basically will not paying this fuck up my future for renting apartments, buying cars with loans or anything? Like since the name isn't exactly mine? It doesn't really matter seeing as I can't pay for it anyways I am just wondering. Thanks in advance.
Yeah, demand an itemized letter. Also, check your credit score with the credit rating services, make sure someone hasn't stolen your ID.
Yeah contact the creditor and try to get this cleared up. More than likely it will appear on your credit score, despite the name mix-up, and these things don't go away on their own. You can get a free copy of your credit report to be sure though. Creditors are tenacious, they have more information about you than you could possibly imagine. Using databases like LexisNexis they can find out every place you've lived, who your neighbors and relatives are, if you ever got a fishing license, etc. If you go to buy a house, before you close you will have to pay any outstanding collection balances, so get on this right away.
Ok thanks for the information I wanna take care of this eventually I just don't have the money. And the main thing I was worried about is I heard/read that employers can check your credit score and like not hire you cuz of it? I don't need any of that shenanigans. I checked my free credit score thing fairly recently (the legit one) and it said something a long the lines of basically I have no credit history
Oh God, I hope my mom didn't call you. She works as a creditor for AmeriCredit... says she is always on the phone with Americans, trying to get them to pay. She hates it though; says she feels really bad for the people who are really in debt and can't pay it off. Good luck, OP...
Employers can check your credit score, but honestly it doesn't matter for most places. Where it does matter is if you go to work for a bank. Some banks will hire people with low credit scores but may require you to go through credit counseling services or improve your score. I guess it's some regulatory thing, a friend of mine with not so great credit had to do it when he worked for one of the big banks.
Every state has time limits to what creditors can do. I would have to look it up but after 2 or 3 in mine you deny everything, if you acknowledge that you owe then they have extended that deadline and you are liable. I would check into things if I were you. I have a book on it somewhere I'll check it out. What state you in? Nevermind you listed it!
So what should I just ignore it for now anyway? or write them a letter or something? I don't have money, bank accounts, cars, property or anything so there is nothing they can take... And WetHorseLips no phone calls yet just one letter so far lol I don't plan on working at a bank but it's good to know that maybe taco bell will still hire me with a bad credit score lol
Ignoring= the worst thing you can do. Contact them and ask for an itemized explanation of what you owe, why, and to who.