creationists are all going to hell lol

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by yurigadaisukida, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. cristianity is a faith based religion. the whole point of faith is that there doesnt need to be proof.

    and yet creationists go around everywhere looking for evidence of god.

    why? are the really that insecure with their beliefs that they need proof?

    in any case, creationists lost their faith, and thus are going to hell


    creationists are blasphemers. why? because they pretend they can interpret the will of god. its the same thing that sent satan to hell, (contending with the will of god)

    if any person ever sais anyhitng like, "god wants this" or "god doesnt want this" then they are trying to contend with the will of a being of infinite wisdome.

    saying all this bs about evolution being a lie, and then turning around and trying to use other science to prove god exists....

    athiests may go to the 7th or eighth circle, but creationists will not be far behind

    if its any concelation, GOD DOESNT EXIST, so your not really going to hell, and wahts even better, you still ahve the rest of your life to realize the truth that right before your eyes, and the lie that isnt, the lie that is fed to you from birth,

    the faith based fear mongering idea that if you dont have absolute faith in a god with no proof youll go to hell.

  2. There gonna be so pissed when they die and thats it.
  3. Maybe, I doubt it though, a serious look into the christian faith would dispel this. I mean what are apologetics for?
  4. #4 Spiral Out KG, Jun 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2011
    There proof is all around them. You just interpret it differently. As for an afterlife and the modern day god, it's just the imagination. You should try it sometime..

    The traditional bible explained god as the universe. Heaven and hell are within ourselves (life/humans). Eventually this was misunderstood, or purposely changed to force faith. Jesus didn't believe in religion..
  5. But, he was King of the Jews. Did he give himself that title?
  6. Indirectly, but does the buddha require worship of the buddha? No. He was just a symbol of what he thought peace was. People decided to follow it into a religion/form of worship, instead of thinking for themselves.
  7. #7 liltunechi24, Jun 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2011
    why do you guys care?? find something else to do with ur time other than trying to bash others beliefs. good for u if ur an idiot and dont believe in God. good luck rotting in hell.

    disrespect isn't tolerated here -UB
  8. Most christians have never read the bible, and instead believe based on what is told. If you take the bible literally, then you don't deserve to preach or be christian for that matter. For if the Bible is to be taken literally you have just disproved your own religion. That's what we call contradictory and god can't do that.

    I like your christ not your christians--GHANDI

  9. everyone always misses the fact that the jesus guy was forever telling his people that religion is the whole problem......:eek:

  10. good luck waking up to the fact that this is hell........:eek:

    and we have all been failing at making it out of here for quite some time now............

  11. cool story bro
  12. Proof, or the search for proof, has nothing to do with salvation

  13. it that really the best you can do?

    is that the entire limit of your creativity?


    oh you need to go to the church and find out (from the guy who runs that place)what god would think is an ok come back first?

    i mean seriously......

    use your head alittle ....dont be scared......

    god wont be mad at you for thinking ....i promise

    btw- im not your bro.....

    and i dont bash beliefs.....

    i do bash believers.......cus oh so many of them dont even have a fucking clue what the hell they are following......

    just put your money in the plate.......and you will go to heaven....
    while the rest of us stay here in hell and enjoy dissecting ideas to see what we can really make of them......

  14. i can tell you bash believers thats why im not even going to waste my time on you. grow up and learn a little before you talk. obviously there is a God. how fucking else would we be here now?
  15. There must be a god because I don't know how things work.
  16. Id rather live life the way I see fit rather than fall into terrorist tactics and say I believe in some god just because they say I will suffer for eternity if I dont.

  17. thats not the only reason people belive in God. thats certainly not why i believe in God.
  18. Haha. Very true. Funny thing is I believe in the same god as them (besides the imaginative part), but I don't believe in forcing others. The truth is only found once you question.
  19. Sure it isnt.

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