Crazy Weekend...First Threesome

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BluntSession, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Weekend started out like any other...just got out of class and its time to blaze. My roommate and I hit bongs n play xbox.

    I get a text from a girl that I've known for a couple years now:
    "Hey we're drinkin, blazin, n chillin by the pool at my place. come over."

    So I get to her apartment and theres a lot more people than I expected. It's cool cause there are mostly gorgeous 21+ year old girls in their prime. We're having a good time playing drinking games by the pool. Then I start to notice this one girl eye fucking me that I only met a couple of hours ago.

    Her friend comes over to me and says:
    "Hey my friend is really into you. Do you want to meet her?"

    We get to talking and she's pretty cool. Found out she is 24 (i'm 21). Older women :cool:

    So we go back to my friend's apartment to blaze before we all go home and get ready for the party later on that night. I go to change in the bathroom and this is where things get awesome.

    The girl that I got introduced to earlier (Ashley) knocks on the door and opens the door right in the middle of me taking off my swim suit...needless to say we were both tipsy and one thing led to another. She gave me a great BJ before anyone noticed we were both missing.

    Fast forward to around midnight at the party we all go to. The guy who owned the house decided to get a DJ for the party. There was a whole dance room with flashing lights n black lights...pretty cool.

    I step outside to have a cigarette and ashley follows with a friend of hers. We get on the topic of how many sex partners we've all had. I say 5. Ashley says 2. Her previous boyfriend and...the girl standing next to her :eek:

    Needless to say, I got them both drunk off shots of Captain Morgan and SKY. We we're pretty drunk by 2am and I had been trying to convince them of a threesome all night. We finally go into a room upstairs and SUCCESS.

    Now its time to sleep in...wake n bake...NFL all dayyy :smoke:
  2. ......MotherFucker :metal:
  3. Boss Status :D
  4. Fer sher bo$$
  5. such a manly fucking post. + rep
  6. .....and this is just another day in the life of a god-damn bosssss.....
  7. [​IMG]

    double BJ action

  8. you sir.. are a fucking champion.
  9. I hate you, bro
  10. You, sir, are my hero.
  11. thats boss bro, lucky man haha
  12. closest i've came to a threesome was when i hooked up with a girl next to her passed out best are my hero
  13. Ahh the wonders of alcohol, only thing that could make this better is if your team won today...while they were both sucking your dick.
  14. co-sign
  15. Words of a true pimp...
  16. You are an inspiration to the male sex.
  17. Dude Fuck Ya! Thats so cool.
  18. haha thanks guys.

    Oh and if you wanted to know...they both had tongue rings :)

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