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crazy ways to smoke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by evilweedman, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. What are some of the craziest things you smoked with or ways you smoked?

    Mine was probably using a paper towel to light my pipe because my zippo fell out of my pocket at home
  2. you smoke with a zippo? I cant do it... smoke tastes gross... Ive done the same... used a calandar lit it on my stove to light my bong..
  3. Used a inhaler case with a tin foil screen, lighting it with q-tips ignited from a candle, sitting on top of wooden park thing.
  4. ripped a bong with a sparkler :D i was fuckin baked
  5. lighting a apple g bong with 2 broken lighters (one had the spark, the other had the gas) lol

  6. I was sitting in my car about to go to school, no fuego, or anything to smoke out of, I had a bowl, so i just swollowed it. Worst decision of my life, waste of weed, tasted like crap, and didnt even get me high.

    Ive use candles to light a bowl.
  7. the worst thing ive used to smoke was actaully the first time i ever smoked
    me and a friend were at steak n shake, he was a stoner i never tried it but wanted to. he had some and was like u wanna smoke i was like yeah ill try it. we had nothin to smoke out of and he looked around my car for any supplies to make a bowl, all we had was this long candle lighter so he broke off the long metal part of the lighter and put the weed at the end of it then lit it, for me it looked to complicated caues i never smoked, good thing my friend was a macgeyver. it worked ok but i didnt really get high but oh well
  8. I remember a long time ago me and my buddies were sitting by a lake and decided to make a bong out of the contents of our pockets which were blunt tube, slider, lighter, and a condom.

    We heated up the slider so it was real hot and pushed it through the blunt tube at an angle. Then we used pond water for the bong water (gross i know) and blazed up.

    Couldnt find a use for the condom though...
  9. May sound weird, and trust me it REALLY was, but a chip bag. Yup. Shaped it into a pipe like a tinny. The first hit totally worked, then the bag caught on fire so we dumped the weed out and said fuck it and decided to just wait till we had a smoking tool :p
  10. Well one time, my freind and i were sitting in his car with a bag of weed and no tools to toke.
    So i look around, and what do i find. A Subway wraper. haha yeah the paper part that says Subway on it, rolled up a nice J and blazed up. Really bad for you but it worked and we got baked.
  11. 1. Road trip to VT, 2 day split drive between me and my friend. Only brought an 1/8, smoked it all the first night driving and after driving (camped out in the bed, got blasted). The next day we were weed-less, bored, and had about 3.5 hours left to go. Luckily, my friend's truck was quite accustomed to the herb, so I managed to scrimp together a roach in the ashtray and shake from the floor mats to roll a decent joint.

    2. Lighting bowls with car cigarette lighters.

    BTW whoever uses a zippo, shouldn't. I'll agree that they are awesome for their windproofness, which can be great for troublesome j's or blunts on a windy day (compared to a bic), but they really alter the taste of the weed, even when it's rolled. They completely ruin the taste of bowl packs, and it sucks when you get a taste of the fluid through a j or blunt. I'll stick to my .99 bic lighters, and spend the $25 or so for a zippo on weed.
    1. just lit a bud on fire held inin my hand an inhaled
    2. smoked with napkin instead of a paper
    3. used a candle
    4. a torn up cigar i found on the road
    if i think of more ill post
  12. Ignoring all of the basic pen hitters and aluminum foil hitters I made when I was younger, I made a triple chamber bubbler out of science equipment for like six bucks. Three erlenmeyer flasks, three stoppers with holes drilled in, six glass tubes, and some hose. Hit SOOO damn hard and smooth.

    Made a bong out of my chillum and an Ocean Spray cranberry juice bottle.

    Made a bubbler out of a water bottle and this crazy screw thing that I found in my garage, it was like a metal slider with a screen inside. Trippy.
  13. Rolling sticky notes as a kid and lighting our "smokes" hard core when the sticky glue burns. That got old quick, stupid older brothers and their ideas.

    pop cans, foil (yuck), fruit, knife hits using car cig lighter, nothing special.

    Craziest was in the middle east on "vacation" and having some that was shipped in shampoo bottle.....tastes like head and shoulders!!!
  14. #15 XxAirDalexX, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2011
    I have used an apple, potato, and a banana (yes you can use a banana, its funny as hell) as a pipe to smoke.

    I have also had to light toothpicks on a candle flame to light my bowl because of not having a lighter.

    My homemade bong is made out of a Gold Peak ice tea bottle (the really big one), a metal pluming pipe I found at my house as the down-stem, and a socket as the bowl. It is probably the best thing I have ever made with my hands haha.
  15. i just had to use a can since my bong broke earlier today (VERY sad about this:( ). and ive used a straw as a bowl which was very stupid, and ive used a pine apple which i found was very enjoyable in a strange way.
  16. sticky notes as rolling paper... a mechanical pencil heh and cans with candle as a light

    ahhh now those where the days :)
  17. My first pipe was a hollow orange hockey puck w/metal bowl found on the street. I made a bubbler out of plastic one liter bottle caps and some aqua tubing, with a metal bowl from my puck pipe. Rolled a joint with 1/3 of a dollar. A blunt with a Blank page of the bible in a motel 6. A green bell pepper pipe is my favorite "organic" pipe.
  18. I was getting some new stuff one day and I had like three or four good sized nuggets left from my old stuff I had bought in too much bulk earlier. I wanted to just finish em up at the time but looking back I should have just saved it and rolled a few blunts. Basically I took these decently sized nuggets, laid them on a glass surface and lit them on fire.

    Stunk up my entire house, wasted a lot of weed, but it got the job done.
  19. I hit a gravity bong using a magnifying glass. Those were the days. Fucking hurt like shit.

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