Crazy Train Fast

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by butterfly69, May 1, 2024.

  1. Hi all:
    This is my first attempt at growing although I have wanted to for years. This is a Crazy Train Fast (Atlas Seed) on day 4. I have her in Black Gold organic soil, under 24 hour LED light. I was trying to stick to autoflower to keep things simple, but I couldn't resist the Jack Herer genetics. So far, my approach has been pretty similar to how I grow vegetables, which I learned by watching YouTube videos. I am learning as I go, and will be happy to get something "buzzable". Thanks for tolerating this "noob"!

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  2. Looks like a nice healthy start for a seedling, and absolutely if you can grow a nice healthy vegetable garden, you can also grow weed. Some try to make it seem so much more complicated than it really is. The harvest (drying/curing) is the most difficult part to get down properly but once you get that down it's pretty much cake. Just keep it simple and don't try to do to much or overthink things and everything will fall into place.

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  3. Nice start. Best of luck to ya.
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  4. Same plant, ten days later.

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  5. Just a tip...up pot that soon. Looks very healthy so far. Good job.
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  6. Thank you. I was thinking that should be done soon. :)
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  7. In her new pot. So far, so good.

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  8. Welcome to GrassCity. It looks like you already have a good handle on growing. Nice job.
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  9. Up potted??? It would be a shame to stunt such nice looking plants, 5 gal is a minimum for me & about all the wt I can handle without putting wheels under the pots. For THOSE plants :smoke: +++ size. :metal:
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  10. It's called transplanting, and if done correctly won't stunt the plant at all. Not even sure what you are going on about here lmao.

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  11. #11 nachoboomer, May 14, 2024
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
    What sized pot did you upsize to? I can't tell from the pic. No disrespect as they look great, but you have re-potted once so far, those simply don't look forever home sized to me, I have been wrong before. I wish you continued luck. Hey it's our job to nit pick about grows, NOT to snipe at other members you have longstanding "issues" with. :watching::passing-joint:
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  12. I got no issues with you. But I can see you have issues with me lol. All is good man relax lol .

    I transplant a couple times before they go into their final pots. As I said it don't hurt em none if you transplant them right. Don't disturb the roots and you are golden. A lot make the mistake by breaking up or loosening the root ball and that's what stresses them out. Just plop them out of their container and into their new hole and give em some water and maybe a lil superthrive to be safe and wallah.

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  13. I've got some early/fast flowering seeds coming and wondered if the photo/auto crosses are prone to stunting with transplanting, like normal autos are reported to be?
  14. it must be my imagination. :rolleyes: You may/may not do damage (IF DONE CORRECTLY) transplanting what, 2-3 times in a month or so, but why??? Ya don't damage anything by leaving them alone to do their thing for sure. TEHO
  15. #15 nachoboomer, May 14, 2024
    Last edited: May 15, 2024
    A good question for a few (A CONSENSUS of opinions is always best) of our more exp gardeners. I would think stunting is more of a user error thing. My first 2 auto grows were stunted & I did transplant them. 3 of my current autos not transplanted & pots moved outside are now 5' tall. :confused_2:
  16. I am honestly not sure. I tried growing autos once and they were all deformed and didn't get big at all. Probably bad genetics but turned me off to them. I would think photo genetics mixed with auto might make em a little less prone but I couldn't tell you for sure. I do see a lot of people say just to plant autos in their one n only home. Some do the same with photos as well, best is just to do what works for you!

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  17. I do plan to move her to a larger pot. I didn't realize how quickly this plant grows if done correctly. I have to make
    I do plan to move her to a bigger pot. I have to make some tweaks to my grow set up so I can fit the pots under the lights. Thanks for the tip. As a newbie, I appreciate them all. X3
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  18. I definitely plan to move her again. I want to say this is a 1.5 gallon pot. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated!
  19. Apologies for any drama. Folks here really do want to help for the most part we just bump heads trying to help sometimes. Many different ways to grow. You will be running that train off the rails pretty soon.:metal::Love-Plant:
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  20. This is the process I use with my container veggies. I am someone who complicates the hell out of everything, so I really wanted to keep it as simple as possible for my first grow. I let my veggies form a root ball, and then move to a larger pot. I recently gave a friend a very healthy houseplant that I had grown from seed. Her mother decided it needed to be potted up, and tore the root ball apart. It died.

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